It’s loading very slowly for me at the moment (also Firefox).
Mozilla released some problem updates on friday/saturday. It’s taken me until yesterday to get Thunderbird working again.
Good luck.
It’s loading very slowly for me at the moment (also Firefox).
Mozilla released some problem updates on friday/saturday. It’s taken me until yesterday to get Thunderbird working again.
Good luck.
That would be great. We would be able to create classic Sci Fi dome cities.
I just checked it on my old MacbookPro which can’t upgrade past OSX 10.11 El Capitan, which in turn limits Firefox to 78 ESR. The site does indeed render wrong & display a browser-too-old message. However, there’s some good news! - I was able to simply use a user-agent-switcher extension for this site to make it think I was using Firefox 98. Most operations seem to work: I can login, layout looks fine, and I’m able to post messages (ie. this one). Unfortunately I don’t seem to be able to use the menubar to do any special markup, so I have to add it manually. → . (I also tested setting it to FF 86 and can confirm it fails on that version.)
I use User-Agent Switcher and Manager. It can be a overkill with all it’s options though, but there are similar simpler extensions available on that site which should work too.
Great idea, thanks! Firefox used to have a user agent swapper in the past, I’m sure. Anway, installed extension and set it to latest firefox and all seems ok, except markup popup menu (which broke the day before).
Yeah, I remember you can manually change it globally in the advanced config options, but I like that extension because you can setup per-site changes.
Sooooo… future update speculations…
I dont think the update content goes in any particular order with HG but we had:
A graphical update almost one year ago(and the mysterious station core addition)
Update to base building with new settlements
Then multitools and ground combat with sentinels
Then ships and ship combat a long with pirating content
If they are going in some sort of order and knocking out different areas of the game one at a time, then the things we haven’t really got an update on are:
Station interiors
Freighters/frigates(most likely. For reasons)
Planet variety
Story content (also likely)
SM tweet (still no name showing)
I hope this is not even more combat-related changes (more “muscle” that is, strength).
A gym? but yeah, hope it is not tougher sentinels or pirates or the ability to nuke each other…or some other combative behavior
Maybe we will need the strength to build underwater cities?
He did post the underwater dome city pic 4 times prior to this…although the pic he posted just prior to this…is…well…hopefully nothing to do with the game or the post above…
Some guesses are Strongholds…I would like a better way to defend my Settlement against pirate raids
Well, we can use some improved performance I guess
Immortalis sounds like a cool name for an update
Well, iPads/newer macs run ARM chips, and NMS is coming to them “later this year”. Maybe sooner than thought? Seems unlikely though, as only just announced last month.
SMs reply
My first guess is arms, as in armaments/weapons. Since lately we have been getting tweeks to combat/action related stuff.
I think the Mac/Arm chip thing would come at the same time as switch later this year. That makes a bit more sense.
Last guess is “flex” or “flexing” such as a bunch of cosmetics to show off.
if it was October i would say it is hand held update. Or ARM update
So I will say strong = fit = optimize
Yeah, the ARM angle seems most likely.
I hope 4.0 is a humdinger - it had better be! Or… I’ll write another chapter. Oh wait, I’ll do some art! That’ll show 'em.
Armaments &/or Strongholds are my guess.
Extra base turrets for settlements & bases would be a logical next step.
I also thought of “strongarm” as in pirate stand-over tactics to force illegal mission or smuggling.