Future Update Speculation


Also, since Sega was mentioned earlier, this is now stuck in my head, so thanks for that :rofl:


Oh, phew. I thought it was going to be… DAAAAY TOOOOO NAAAAAA! Sorry…

Development Update

Our last update was WORLDS PART I just a few weeks ago. It resulted in our biggest player numbers in over 5 years. Eight years in and we feel so lucky to have so many folks still care about this game we love. It gives our tiny team energy, making us want to pour more into the No Man’s Sky universe.

Something people really loved in the Worlds update was the new water technology – tons of players were posting videos of themselves just chilling at the water’s edge. One piece of fan art in particular stopped us in our tracks, of a player lazily fishing from their wing of their starship. This art, and others like it, was right at the heart of the inspiration behind the Aquarius update.

I know its something they clearly did not jus throw together in a few weeks and was certainly already on the cards, but this does read a little bit like

“Guys, wait… Remove the word summer from the Worlds Part 1 update, drop everything, we need to pivot to fishing NOW!”


So if sean ever tweets a fish or rod emoji, its safe to assume THAT will be the Archaeology update/Expedition :smiley:


Sean is urning more teaser points!

I’d love it if the ancient vases related both to significant under"water" enhancements as well as greatly improved ruins.

I’ve always thought that ruins could be more extensive, more items to discover, etc.

I also think it would be fun to get community involvement in piecing together artifacts or even buried bones to make up a skeleton.


I know I said I’m not too pushed either way about fishing mechanics in games… but you give me a bunch of unique somethings to catch and you awaken my inner pokemon child. I have no choice but to fish now.

I just looked at the list in the Wonders Catalogue and every shilouette my brain went “Who’s that pokemon!?”



I know the amphora :amphora: had everyone thinking we were getting an archaeology expedition. If it’s any consolation, we sort of got our Indiana Jones dreams in the form of a “bull whip” animation with the fishing rig :wink:

with worlds part two apparently adding new POIs and new ways to play I was thinking it’s probably going to come with an overhaul to the mission agent.

That guy needs new missions types at least, there’s been a few new features added he still doesn’t really request and with more on the way, this seems like the perfect opportunity.

I don’t see this as speculation but an absolute given, Mission Agent will definitely get some love with Worlds Part 2.


I don’t know where to put this, I am so confused by it…


I have to wonder reading it, has Gerard Molina played NMS? It doesn’t sound like it '^_ ^


His description is really odd, it’s so obviously wrong, why does he even bother? And it has only one comment. Is this site perhaps dying and nobody cares anymore?


Pretty sure Gamerant is just another reddit scraping botted article site at this point. I can’t remember if it was them or someone else who picked up the “Atlas Boss Fight” bait post and published it as fact haha
Edit: That was a different but equally scummy site


I can’t stand it. It seems to be the only gaming site the google feed on my phone gives me news from, they just spam so many articles, very few humans on that ship for sure.

They have such a strangle hold now that they’re posted as a legitimate source for articles (no offence to sean, all the devs/influencers/etc link to gamerant now).

Gotta wonder whose pockets are paying all that adsense to google :thinking:

They have a specific section, GR Originals, which seems to have the sole purpose of seperating itself from the other articles they publish, as in, “hey humans actually did some journalism on these ones”. So I guess they have to bot to keep the algo happy and the humans who take the time to write, employed '^ _ ^

All conjecture on my part from a brief website glance, talking from my arse

Edit: I might be thinking of gamesradar+ as the Google fiend. Very similar logos


Exploring a lot of planet POIs the last few days and while we know part 2 will bring new areas to explore planetside, I never gave much thought to existing buildings.

They’re one of the last few things untouched that carry the older cleaner aesthetic (it got a visual upgrade when the ships etc did I think), everything in space has a cohesive visual look now with dreadnaughts and new space station design, but original planet buildings seem out of place.

I can see them using this opportunity to make them more cohesive and maybe bringing them closer in line to the look of a space station/colossal archives detailing.

Some more lore inspired rooms behind atlas doors would be nice. Only so many times you can see a sentinel workshop before you start to remember those things are supposed to be hard to get a hold of.


There’s still a few unused doors in the space anomaly, too. They’re keeping their options open.


One of the recent experimentals messed with the lights in the Terminal Prime room iirc. Wonder if they might bring back some sorta function for it related to the Void Mother?


Yes. Exactly. We got one enhancement, but then nada (no pun intended).


More of a rant than speculation but… I’ve been growing pretty frustrated with parts of the community following Worlds Part I’s release (nothing on y’all, this lil circle of the NMS community is probably my favorite <3)

I’ve noticed during interactions with people on “larger” nms circles such as the NMScord and reddit, that people seem to be almost entitled to recieving Worlds Part II by the end of this year, a feat that I feel grows less likely each day. Not only has Martin Griffiths gone to lengths about the development and build process for the game recently, he’s been talking about their efforts for the PS5 Pro version, which given that it drops on Nov 7th, leaves a lot less time for a Worlds Part 2 to drop around the Holidays, given the combined bugfix load of WPII and the PS5 Pro launch sounds like a nightmare they wouldn’t wanna take part in around a time when most people in the office would be at home with their families.

Naming this update Worlds “Part 1” might’ve been the biggest mistake HG could’ve made in the hype control department. I’m not sure why people think this means every next content drop “must be part 2!!1!”, even if logistically the end of the year would be a bad time to ship out a large, likely buggy update. And it’s this general reluctance to accept that HG are humans which can turn the community toxic over smaller updates really quickly. This is where I wish we had better dev communication, much like what Martin does but from other facets of the team, just to remind people how much effort goes into each bit of content and drive the community out of this rather thankless era, and stop people from getting jumpy because something might be part of a larger update they’ve indirectly teased and using those indirect words to justify getting worked up.

End of rant, please feel free to shift this into another relevant topic if necessary, I just felt like getting this off my chest :sweat_smile:


It’s like we live in a world where people think they are owed something and for no good reason.
They can’t just enjoy the fact it’s all FREE.
Thank you for your insight. Makes me more certain that parking here the last 7 years is still the right decision.


It is the curse of Hello Games. We call it “Launch Daze” :stuck_out_tongue:


As opposed to something they teased but then did nothing with? (Yes, I’m looking at you Space Station Overrides) XD


I keep seeing posts complaining that summer is almost over yet no “promised” Worlds part 2. Sigh. They ignore that Hello Games changed that to “later.”

Patience is a virtue.

It looks like Hello Games had planned for a late summer rollout but the varied coding issues are causing delay. I think the PS5 Pro dovetails into that. I’m hindsight, not telegraphing part 2 and not using a 2 and 2 naming would’ve been better, but only because theirs planned rollout wasn’t feasible, they later found out.

I’d be happy if they just released the annual redux.

I can’t imagine them wanting massive update-related bug stompin during the December holiday season.