Future Update Speculation

I’ve pared my expectations back to “it’s just to get decals to stay affixed to ships” :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m sure it’s more than that but rn I just want to put the CSD decal on my ship so lets call it a day HG and roll that decal-vette tech out :stuck_out_tongue:

As for worlds part 3, I don’t know if it’s going to be titled as such, but similar to aquarius update which added things to do in the worlds update, I can see us getting similar updates this year, with my wishful thinking being new POI’s for purple systems or revamped POI’s for all systems or possibly both. Whether its called “worlds pt 3” or something else and is part of the anniversary update, or it appears during the year with the smaller updates/expeditions remains to be seen but they’re certainly not done with these “worlds” just yet.


I’d hope that a new star-going vessel would have something more unique about it than just size or size of inventory.


There are ways you could make a corvette more interesting. You could, for instance, require it to have a crew. So the ship’s performance would depend on the quality of its pilot, navigator, engineer, and gunner. Suitable crew members would have to be found and hired, and could then improve with experience and training.

It doesn’t solve the more central problem though - why would we want one?


I was thinking more along the lines of ‘deployable tech’ that you could tow or pilot to an asteroid field or derelict freghter, where it can the do harvesting & scavenging work.
This tech would be ‘part’ of your Command Ship set-up but as opposed to being sent on missions aka frigates, this would require more hands on approach.
It could then be left behind much like a settlement or base. It might be partially customisable inside but for the most part it would be like other automated equipment that just needs to be refueled & harvested from.


I haven’t been keeping up with the corvette saga and don’t know what has been found or any theories but I can see use in the game for a new, player controlled or at least configured, attack craft. NMS is a collection of mini-games and enhancing space combat is easily within the mission statement.

Recently the pirates got a dreadnought along with large cannons, shield generators, anti-air guns and torpedoes. I want some of those but I wouldn’t want them on my freighter if that implied that I could be attacked. But having them on a new platform which we could use If we are playing as a pirate would add a new strategy element to our attacks on other freighters.

Also lately they have been driving up interaction with our frigate missions. For combat problems Instead of just a simple choice over the communicator, maybe we could warp in and join the fray, possibly manning the cannons giving a new combat mechanism with a fixed turret. (Our settlements could also use turrets IMO).


I think the same. I think the corvettes will be attack ships. A separate ship that can be damaged to leave our frigates and freighters alone.

Might be too hopeful here but I can see HG adding corvette-to-corvette space battles. Much of the mechanics needed to make it interesting already exist. Summon your corvette, land inside, take control of the ship while NPCs fire the cannons or you can fire a cannon manually with friends, like Sea Of Thieves but in space. After destroying the ship, board the ship and loot them out for a chance at new base building parts.


For all we know, it can be a Stingray, or a ZR1. XD


That settles it.

Confirmed: we can LS engine swap ships.


Twin turbo’d 454 shuttle sleeper.
Perfect for smuggling moonshine & prismatic feathers.


I’m assuming that “Don’t drink the water” excludes moonshine. A traveler has to have some option other than Nip Nip, after all.


Immediate answer…the combination: has a base in it like a freighter, can land on a planet like a ship.


If the theory of pilotable corvette ships becomes a thing, I have a feeling it wont be landable on planets. Mainly because that seems hard to do since the terrain is so uneven and the ship would be quite large. If anything, it may just float close to the ground but still very far away from it.

NMS space battles could use some more action/depth to it.

Im not big on PvP, but some faction missions would be cool where you can warp to a location where another player chooses to participate in a faction battle using the corvettes and maybe a few others on regular ships. Maybe even have your fighter frigates join in. Winning gains some faction reputation, credits and a random corvette ship part/upgrade. Just random ideas.


I like the idea of calling down a smaller frigate that has all your storage containers aboard. Currently, you can pull things from your Freighter storage bins but you have to fly to your Freighter to put things in. It would be nice to be able to run in and store things properly then run back out and continue gathering.
But that use does not match what a Corvette implies…so I think it is small, fast and built for speed. I am cheering on the rum runner theory.


You can access the storage container tabs from the freighter menu if it’s in same system as you.

You can’t quick transfer to them from here but if it’s only a few things, it’s handy for a quick drag and drop.

New players will never know how spoiled we are. Building bases from your storage container stores without moving anything manually. Back in our day you had to walk fifty feet in the snow to get the item out and then have it in your exosuit storage if you wanted to build.

You were considered lucky if your father brought a shoe home for the family to eat. We don’t talk about the unlucky ones.


And your suit had small pockets that held only small stacks. Then we got bigger pockets. Then we got more pocket.


They took the tetsuya nomura approach with pockets


In my current playthrough, I have maxed out my backpack capacity. My backpack now holds WAY more than my freighter. I suspect it holds more than my freighter and storage containers combined.

Convenient, but not wildly logical.

When we got the Millennium Falcon, I discovered it was too big to land in many locations. Given that a Corvette is likely much bigger, landing it is going to be problematic. It also won’t fit in the anomaly or in a space station.


In one or two of my saves I have a Corvette frigate and when I’m attacked by pirates it comes out and helps sometimes somehow. I haven’t been able to tell if it’s my squadron helping me but the freighter shows up for whatever reason. I really don’t know what it’s doing. I should pay closer attention.

Oh, I thought this was an inventory management game? Thank goodness for the new filters and sorting, more please. Now we need sorters (funnels?) like in Minecraft.


Yea landing can still be a lil funny on regular starships from time to time, getting something bigger to land consistently would probably be a nightmare.

I’m guessing this is why they eem to be going down the hangar route. You might be able to fly the Corvette into the atmosphere of a planet, but you’d need to take your starship out if you actually want to land.


Which once again sounds an awful lot like what a freighter already does.

Falling back on real-life naval terminology, a corvette is the smallest class of warship - smaller than a frigate. Used for fast attack work, and coastal defence, but having neither the range nor the seaworthiness for long-distance deep sea operations.