Future Update Speculation


Maybe it’s my mind fulfilling what I want, but recall Sean’s Deep Dive mentioning Worlds 2 as a “more to come” or “beginning” type release.

Re: Custom quests. Kanaju built a DIY ProcGen system that looks like it has possibilities for players to create their own quests. … Not exactly what @sheralmyst proposed, but might be doable. The process is external to No Man’s Sky, but could become a new game mode.

One player’s test of Kanaju’s method:


Abandoned systems have abandoned variants of planetside POI’s.

I feel with the desolation that is a gas giants environment, it seems fitting they should have their own ruined variant of structures. Perhaps mostly the ruined skeletal remains half buried with sand piling up around it’s struts, you need to use the terrain manipulator to access their former function or hidden loot.


With the addition of the Leviathan Spawn fish to ocean planets, it wouldn’t seem out of the ordinary to find ourselves suddenly catching the odd Psychonic Egg or Spawning Sac, now that we know oceans are where they spend the first few hundred years of their lives

I wouldn’t be complaining if this became a new way to obtain psychonic eggs/spawning sacs and would also add even more incentive to fishing on top of the recent additions of milestones/rewards.

Just an idea that occurred to me as a lore ready alternative source for living ship upgrades.


Did we ever get the Incinerator as a mod? I had lost track of this thing then remembered it as I was filling the new weapons rack storage. I am so glad I held onto it. Can’t even remember which update accidentally put this into my inventory.


I think the Minotaur Flamethrower arm during Liquidators and now the Exocraft flamethrower attachment are the closest we’ve gotten to it “officially”.

My old room mate, who doesn’t really play NMS all that much or too often, maybe a month every few years, loves to bring up the fact he has this cool bugged flame thrower mod for his multi tool XD


I have it, its really nothing to write home about. Short range and weak compared to other modules. Its more of a novelty than anything.


Don’t tell this guy, but flamethrowers are really inefficient weapons.


Yes they are but, it looks really cool.


I instantly heard “need a light?” and “fire it up!” like it was PTSD :joy: used to love starcraft, never played the second one though.


My first family holiday abroad was to Bulgaria in 1997/98. I had no idea what a black market was but boy was I happy to come out of a stall with the mortal Kombat and mortal Kombat annihilation movie soundtracks on cassette.

On top of that I also purchased a copy of Tekken 3 for PS1 which I’m certain wasn’t even out in Japan for at least another month and probably another 6 months or more before EU localisation (also in a time when they waited for the arcade cabinets to make enough revenue before releasing home port).

To my surprise I still had money from what my parents gave me, what is this weird place where games cost as much as a packet of crisps?

I decided to see if they had any games that would run on my bare bones win 95 pc and I knew I could run command and conquer style graphics. So StarCraft jumped out at me, knew next to zero about it.

What I learned when I got home 2 weeks later was, Tekken 3 wasn’t going to work without a chipped/cracked console, but StarCraft worked a treat on PC.

This is a really really long way to get around to just wanting to say, I can’t listen to the mortal Kombat movie soundtracks without thinking about StarCraft and vice versa, I must have had them on nonstop while playing.

Seriously though, next time you find yourself playing StarCraft, throw on Engel by Rammstein :ok_hand: