Not all giants are gas giants - but I don’t think all players appreciate the fact. I think some people are reporting stuff from giant regular planets, and saying it’s from a gas giant.
The patch notes specify new fish to be caught on Ocean Planets and Gas Giants
I caught the legendary for the ocean planets, I just need the Gas ones now for a helmet unlock (catch all legendary fish).
Sorry, I think I lost you at the word fish. Like you were somewhere far away. Allow me to start over. The patch notes specify…
It is harder to find water from higher elevations. I think this is due to the ‘blanket drop’ terrain method they are now using. I liked being able to see where the water was from space but that is gone now
Yeah, I noticed this to. I used to be able to find water by navigating the globe on the discovery tab. This doesn’t work anymore, and several planets and moons I visited looked like it had water from space and on the discovery page. but no water was found once on planet. A couple even had water creatures listed, but the planet/moon was bone dry when I landed.
I found one planet thet had underground water, but none on the surface. I only found out because I fell down a hole, and tried to tunnel my way out. Instead of tunneling to the surface, I found myself sinking, and drowning.
Yes. Some places only have underground water. The biggest issues being, there are no creatures in cave water and if you are at a certain depth, you will get thrown up to the surface.
Hmmm… Planetary throw-up. Sick!
So all the tech/algorithms Hello Games has developed for Light No Fire, they are transporting to No Man’s Sky. Light No Fire is fantasy based. One of the tropes of fantasy is the multi-stage quest. An unconquerable evil is trying to rule the land, the hero must find a powerful weapon and prove himself worthy of it, the hero must decipher lore or riddles to find this weapon, the hero must travel to numerous locations, the hero must form a band of warriors to aid him, etc. For this to be possible, Hello Games would have to develop a repeatable highly robust procedural quest generation system. Would they bring something like this to No Man’s Sky? It’s possible this summer update, and the summer update is always a big update, will be Worlds Part 3. If they don’t call it Worlds Part 3, they might just call it something “questing” related. One thing I would like to see in this game are planet quests, a multi-chain quest that doesn’t require you having to leave the planet. You would essentially be uncovering the lore of the planet. For these planet quests, I think it would be a good idea to disable the use of your spaceship until the quest was done. Hello Games could transform our settlements into quest hubs.
We have expeditions. Similar. Not proc gen though. One thing that has been highly requested is dungeon type exploration.
They have given us just about everything. One thing I did not hear this time around was, there is much more to come. Or did I miss it?
I’ve been meaning to go back and check the deep dive in case I missed it. I think it’s safe to assume more is definitely coming.
My guess for the updates through the year is that they will be adding content to the purple systems and maybe older systems. New poi’s and maybe a poi refresh. Or is that more my hope? Gueope?
We’re gonna need more things to build with all that lithium, quartzite and what have you now. So far they have one or two ingredients uses each, so that’s what I’d like to see added throughout the year in the smaller updates, more stuff to use the stuff for making more stuff stuff.
They said “our journey continues” in the patch notes. And the worlds part 2 splash screen, I believe, said something similar at the end.
I do think that more is still to come, quite a bit more too, but SM mentioned “Endgame” content, which seems, to me, to imply that he and the team are now seeing what the “endgame” of no mans sky is starting to look like.
I remember very early on in development when he talked openly about progression, he mentioned the warp drive tech being the progression blockers. Yellow star systems would have planets more like what we’re familiar with on earth and by the time you get the final star type you’ll start to see more alien things. That’s back when the games original scope was discovering a universe and your own insignificance
For the longest time this just meant “lush peaceful planets are more common in yellow stars” and blue systems less so.
This feels like they finally figured out how to fully realise that initial vision
This is something I have hoped for for a long time. Sadly, so has everyone else. In many ways, what you’re describing is the holy grail of open world adventure games. Lots of developers have tried, and none have really succeeded.
It’s relatively easy to generate procedural quests that are predictable, repetitive, and boring. Bethesda’s Radiant Quest system springs to mind. Conversely, any fool can make a game that’s impossibly difficult. For a game to be successful, there’s a fine balance between story engagement, unpredictability, and achievement. The tasks should be difficult enough that the player feels satisfaction, but not so difficult that many players give up. So far, this balance has only really been achieved in human-scripted gameplay (it has to be said, even the majority of hand-crafted games miss the mark).
Creating procedural quests that have a credible narrative flow, that engage the player’s interest and imagination, that strike just the right level of difficulty, and that are sufficiently varied, is incredibly difficult. Even modern AI systems struggle a lot of the time, and they’re running on specialist computers.
If Hello Games manage it, the programming world will beat a path to their door. But I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Well, Basalt had no use at all for several updates & still only has 1 use that I know since W2 dropped.
HG don’t like to rush these things.
That’s because it’s basalt, and not goodsalt. If it was goodsalt it would get attention.
I just woke up, my joke machine is on the frink, that was a stretch.
A game I played that had hand written but somewhat procedural progression with a choose your own adventure style quest system, was Wildermyth. Your heroes also aged and died but could have kids between their adventures that could join the next adventure or carry the torch after the ageing heroes die, some can get cursed or blessings to prolong life or make them immortal, was highly customizable and easily moddable. Been a few years but I must check back in on it, fun game.
Until recently, dissonant planets were littered with crashed sentinel ships. If I visited a dissonant world and cruised around in the atmosphere for an hour, I could pretty much guarantee to find five or six.
The purple systems are all dissonant, and I have been exploring them for days now. I have not found a single sentinel ship. I have found crashed ships all right, but they have been regular haulers, shuttles, and fighters. I have found downed ships along with their ungrateful pilots. But I haven’t seen a single sentinel ship.
Ha. The Gods of happenstance clearly heard my whinging, and decided to punish me.
Within ten minutes of my last post, I found this in a purple system:
Since we are exploring the void mother while in these purple systems, she may have made an executive decision to not have any sentinels ships on her like a bad case of bed bugs.
That hasn’t stopped them from showing up and “protecting” her planets though.
Would make sense if purple systems only had Corrupted sentinels.
And now I’ve read your second post. Either way it was fun filling the gaps with my own musings.
Now I’m thinking I haven’t bothered hanging out with any Autophage since the update. I wonder if they have new dialogue when in a purple system? If not I hope it’s something they consider, would make sense for them to say different things now that they are “with her” again.
I encountered some. But all I did was learn more of their language. I did not want to run a mission for them so I didn’t engage them in any deep conversation.