Finding Portals

I found that if you follow flag pole face on you will find many ruins and eventually portals


Hypothetical thought…

If in version 1.3 HG made it so that each system had a single portal (on one of its planets) and was immediately pinged when you first scanned the system (like the habitable base is now), would you be happy or sad? Would making it super easy to find transform it into a mundane part of the game, and therefore take away all the fun surrounding them? Or do you think it would improve the game, considering we’ll likely be using them to move around the galaxy more quickly?

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Great point. I like them being hard to find (never found one vanilla) but I’m glad I had a mod to make them 500% more common, so I could explore one to my heart’s content… Then disabled it. Also been using one that would grant a timed warp as you got into your ship, after interacting… Never to find one again.

Confession time… I have never found a portal. :sob:

I’m a day 1 player, over hundreds of hours in (how does one find that exact number?). Have tried every method put forward to find them: ping noises, lay lines, monolith grids, high-concentration planets… all for naught.

The notion that portals would become ping-able is very enticing to me for the simple reason that I have never seen one.

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If you are on PS4 heard there is no way of knowing for sure… But if you roll your eyes at each “newcomer” that posts a picture of a “never seen creature”, you have been more than 400 hours in, give or take.
A method to find portals using the science-ships scanner, up there, has called my attention… We might need to give it a try.
One thing I know… There has to be ruins to find portals. Some planets have more buildings than others. Go in a straight line, and it is said you will eventually find one.


I would imagine they will put some extra lore into the abandoned building perhaps even, you know when it says the signal points to distant place or words to that effect

Be sure to use your binoculars to highlight the structure. That’s what I mean by scan it. :slight_smile:


I tried that. It has highlighted several points of interest, true… but still…
-not always monoliths… sometimes resources spots…
-neither portals (all I ask is to find just one, my first :star_struck:)

Bummer. That’s how I found mine. Sometimes it is easier on a planet with very few land features. Mostly flat. Means they stick out heaps.


I think I may have found one back when the game launched, but have not found one since then. I also don’t think there’s a method for finding them. You just need to search.

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Right next to my home base, i found this. I can look at it from the home base. Guess i was lucky. It’s the second portal i found so far. The planet have some extreme weather but full of live. Not sure how much it would help you tho. It’s in the Hilbert galaxy.



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It had to happen eventually, there’s probably more like that, in close-ish proximity to bases, but finding one like that is rather frickin rare lol. have you ever been hit by lightning?

you’ll have to get us the co-ords, I’m in hilbert atm, heading for the core and on to Calypso and beyond :smile:

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Sure i get the coordinates for you :slight_smile:

Dang, does this mean I finally have to get serious and start using the map? I have no idea where I am lol


LOL… i think so. Get a GPS :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve found about 5 since I started looking for them. I’m on the PS4, so I don’t know this works for PC. Like Goldstar I’d find a “RUIN” then follow the flag poles. I put down a beacon then go to the next. After a while you could fly out into space and see a “Hexagon” shape. The Portal was always in the "Center of the hexagon at that point.

Took a while on big planets and some ruins point you to a dead end. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Also sadly this way doesn’t work anymore since they nerf how many beacons you can make (5 per system; yes “System”, not per planet). :sob:

Lastly I was working on a Theory about the flagpoles.

The Theory is that the flagpole with 3 circles are markers on a map.
-You are currently located in the inner circle.
-The lines that connects the two outer circles should point int the direction of other ruins. (i.e. the one you came from and the one your going to next.)
-These should lead you to a ruin with a Hexagon.

A flagpole with open circle is a dead end.

A Hexagon is one of the 5 points surrounding the Portal.

A Hexagon with a cross-hair in the middle is the prime point of the Hexagon.
If you travel on a direct line through it using the outer Hexagons you found you should run smack-dab into the portal.

Its a work in progress, never had time to do good baseline testing… on my way to the HUB. Truthfully I doubt it could be that simple, this is NMS. Plus this wouldn’t be the only dumb Idea I’ve had in relation to this game…

on a off note, It would have been a funny tag line. “The Path of Total Damnation Will Lead you to… The Portal.” :laughing: TD


I fly slow and somewhat low but not so low that you can’t see over terrain. My base planet is highly populated so things are constantly showing up. Leave the atmosphere and re-enter far from where you’ve been exploring. Try to stay on a straight course (I try to aim for an icon that’s over an hour away) and keep that scanner working. Every two or three scans I go into picture mode so I can get a good 360 view of my surroundings. I stop at every monolith and ruin I see. Does anyone know if the monolith puzzles progress in a specific order? I feel like I reached a point where puzzles are repeating but I descending order. Right when they started repeating is when I began to find portals. Probably coincidence but I thought I’d share it.

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In the +800h I’m only find 4 portals.
3 of them I have found when I came from orbit directly to a planet. (so no searching with ruins)
1 time just with cruising around, plain luck I guess.

Hopefully they will spawn more with the new update.

Update - Join me tomorrow on my twich channel as we go exploring the universe seeking out these portals and other unknown things

Time - Unknown
Channel - Inzanie484

I will hopefully be streaming No Mans Sky for a couple of hours , maybe playing the 1.3 if it drops and seeing what it has to offer and as always I would love for anyone to come by and checkout the stream , it wont have hamsters but maybe I can m cat in the stream