Expedition 12 - Omega (Spoilers)

I will adjust the top post for any changes since the initial trial release, so we can continue expedition discussion here.

For general Omega update discussion, please continue below:


Was going to say I think the cowboy’s gone to bed for the night
 This was as far as I got but chatGPT was having trouble making the moon be in an Ω shape

Well I hope he wakes up soon for PC players XD

edit: I forgot Dall-E sucks at words and characters, should probably stop asking it to try and do an Omega symbol/character

Maybe he’ll show up for the next update, til then emoji cowboy, farewell <3


update downloaded on PS5 but no expedition


Expedition has yet to go live, may be waiting for patch to hit all platforms. I’d like to think they all have valentines day plans to be getting on to so I hope nobodies been sacrificed for this :smiley:

Maybe now that Dall-E finally figured it out, everything will fall in to place on Hello Games end. Modern Mysticism, heed my call!!!


Exp starts 9 am EST Feb 15 according to dataminers


I asked Dall E to show me the same cowboy waking up
 I regret everything. I thought chatgpt rejected request for softcore eroticism :sweat_smile:

I imagine most it’s cowboy imagery is from romance novels anyways. That’s what comes up when you google image search cowboy anyway, romance novels.

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Ummm there is an Omega symbol at the end of that


People still think omega means the final update. They now think the elipses (. . .) Before it means we have three updates before the final update.

Are these morons aware they’ve already done three parts of a four part arc? Or what 
 Means? Hurry up and launch the expedition so I can get off twitter :joy:


I even saw a well known person posting complaints about this being a sorry update and fan disappointment :unamused:
it seems everyone has covid brain.
Now they are guessing the 3 dots mean more to come before the end.
People have ‘end times’ fatigue.


This shouldn’t need damage control on the community’s behalf but here we are
 Reading comprehension and media dissection is just not a thing for people anymore?

I also think it’s a subconscious thing; if I have the most alarming reaction and prediction and it’s correct, the internet will see me as a genius, if I’m wrong, nobody will remember. This plan is fool proof, albeit put into play by a fool.

Or people really are just that stupid. I like my former farfetched version.

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I often implement that same plan. We are more genius than we realize. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Okay I think I finally figured out twitter. People don’t say what they actually think or feel, they say the most clixkbait thing they can to get the most traction.

The way the platform operates has irrevocably changed the thought patterns of its users.

We are so doomed, aren’t we? :see_no_evil:


grab all the complainers, of which there are way too many, then pop them with the truth.
Would be nice except they will just complain again next time. Some people just can’t break the cycle.

Resting up at 5 am here. If datamining is correct, expedition begins in less than 4 hours

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Three fires? That must mean only three updates before no man’s sky is finished forever :joy:

Sorry couldn’t resist.


Why he just post this?


Okay maybe that guy giving out they sold out to Xbox on twitter yesterday knew something we didn’t XD

I’d say it’s prob about the free trial version. I’m sure most platforms would like to announce that lovely news. Spencer might discuss it in the pod?

Or Microsoft really did drop a wallet on light no fire for timed exclusivity for the console version cos Sony did that with nms last gen

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Yesterday’s odd release pattern makes more sense now

Delay the release to coincide with an Xbox podcast? Pah, we are Sony! Fuck that shit, release the patch! Force thy lowly game Devs hand! Full STEAM release ahead, captain!!

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I have all the bases covered :smirk:
Well, except I do not own NMS on Xbox

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A wise choice. I’m still salty over the whole xbone reveal “can’t just flip a switch” debacle. And their habit of buying and shuttering studios, or sitting on IP, I guess my list is long and keeps growing.

Best way to highlight the difference between Sony and Microsoft in modern era is just point to the HBO last of us show and then point to the paramount show and ask them, who cares more about the world’s they build?

I’ve owned most consoles, all Nintendo’s bar Wii and switch, all Sega’s bar Dreamcast and Saturn, all xboxes bar the one and series X/s, and all Sony’s bar ps5.

I love my consoles I wish I could own em all <3

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I still own all of the above