Eun Ha - Info and Knowledge database

This topic is for having info collected all in one place ONLY.

Do not use this thread for discussion, only use it as a knowledge database.

Only post here if you have relevant documents or transcripts that I might have missed in the list below.

W/ARE patient file can be found here:

Summarized info about Eun Ha can be found here:

Eun-Ha’s diary about dramatic events in her life can be found here:

Here is @johnnycloud 's mega-post with lots of info about Eun-Ha

@Kyle-culver’s first live-stream with Eun-Ha can be viewed here:

…with a text transcript of this chat here: Transcript with Eun Ha:You :e9b3d326e214e2450b42CONNECTION STARTEDEun -

Info about interaction with Eun Ha step-by-step within the ARG is here:

Uplink-app chat transcripts with summaries are as follows:

OFFICE/Interview simulation E1

Moved to America eight years ago due to an abusive father. Obtained citizenship there.

Does not keep in touch with friends back home, even though she has sporadic contact with her brother. She would like to have more contact with him, but he took offence on her leaving Korea.

She was born in Jeonju, a relatively big town but nowhere near Seoul or even Busan.
(Note: Jeonju has 650k population, while Seoul almost has 10M population)

PASSWORD: citizenship

Small room simulation E2

The small room reminds Eun Ha of her moms office space, where she would hang out often, especially to check out her mom’s wristwatch collection. Fascination with watches and clocks runs in the family, as her mom and grandad would disassemble clocks just to see how they worked. It was an important hobby on the mother’s side of the family that Eun Ha inherited. She became an engineer due to fascination with older clock-mechanisms and has constructed several grandfather clocks herself.

Eun Ha remembers her mom to be joyful and very loving. She died twelve years ago, four years before Eun Ha would have moved to America.

Note: This means that Eun Ha lived on her own in Korea for four years before moving to America.

PASSWORD: wristwatch

Outdoor simulation E3

Emily simulates Eun Ha’s hometown, and Eun Ha is impressed by that. Rain seems to appear unannounced in the simulation, which triggers the story about how her dad once locked both Eun Ha and her mom outside once (in the rain). This prompted a divorce between Eun Ha’s parents and she and her mom went to live in the opposite side of town. Eun Ha hates her dad and she hates the rain and thunderstorms. She has traumatic fits still today when it rains because of the haunting memories.

PASSWORD: Thunderstorm


As this topic is not yet locked, Does anyone have a transcript of the extraction conversation with Eun Ha?