Noted. The dice roll was just for a fun example.
discobot for Hub Vice President!
…how many hours should i play NMS?
@discobot roll 1d20
From the impression I’m getting, it seems maybe that the titles I created for the various roles have scared people off and for a game that specialises in allowing people to do just what they want, when they want and how they want; an over-arching feeling of order is naturally met with distrust.
Allow me to explain my reasoning a little more.
To form a successful hub, IMO, you need consistency and a little structure. This however need only be applied to two things:
Naming Conventions - As long as we can all agree on a standardised naming convention for both Systems and Planets, we are golden.
Location - I believe the location of the Hub should be mirrored in all game modes and across both formats. This will allow easy location and a feeling of familiarity. No matter where you go in the world, if you see a McDonalds, you know that if you go in there, you know you’ll get a Big Mac. It will taste the same, look the same… ish.
If the location is a good one and we build there, they will come and build around the hub, thus expanding it.
I invented the title of Regional Governor as I think you will need someone from each game mode to build the Capital on the chosen world at the chosen location.
Maybe I got a little carried away with the whole Titles, veto’s, no-confidence votes etc but I was asked to submit a structure of government that would be fair to all. But stripping it down, the above two points are really the only things that need any serious voting on, and as has been said before, it should run itself.
Bottom line is that I’m happy as I’ve always said, “To get the ball rolling” the last thing I want to do is destroy this community and bog it down in bureaucracy.
NMS is about being free and embracing freedom, but if you want to build something, you gotta have a plan. Not saying I am the one with the plan or that mine is the best, I just want to help get to that stage where we do work out the plan.
Got to admit…all of this is a bit complicated for me… but is sounds fun and I give best wishes to the ideas here.
A universe ruled by women…you guys have no idea what you are asking for…I love it!
I would imagine it would smell better for starters… As a man-hating man (sorry guys) I for one accept our ovarian overlords with open arms (unless that imagery seems inappropriate, makes you feel violated or objectified, my arms will then be closed, or like, wherever the least sexual place is to have my arms?! Up in the air?)
Perhaps, The TODD could be the Bard of Etarc, crafting lores and songs about Etarc hub and her members. Some facts, some fictions. Why did this group of travelers in a simulation they all woke up into without memory of their life prior, form a hub? What is there story? . It would be cool if we had an anthem… and a moto. I remember thinking this when I listened to one of your Soundclouds. The Edison, Edison capital I second or third. Telsa, Tesla. AC/DC… Oh, and remember Gruffham he was Emma’s Elmer. Maybe that could be a/your Title, Elmer of Etarc. Like a counselor to “That Guy”. Ambassador, works. reaching out to other Hubs tell them Etarc says “hi”.
//rambling end//
So Osh does this mean that in your structure the governing of the Hub is divide or co-op. Either way they may have a disagreement, how will this be settled? Will both have to veto, to over rule the majority. Or is the veto for each other.
@Xion4012 How would you handle a tie vote and low turn out?
For both of you how would you mange your threads? Would you have one thread or many? Would you use website outside of this forums? Would you use private message some how? In game meetings?
For Etrac members, ask Osh and Xion, question like I did above. So, we can compare, and they can improve their structures. And for new candidates, which this could possibly be all of us, try to address members concerns in your opening statement.
And a thought from me maybe we can adopt the robertsrules some how, to help with this. There are some good points in there. take a look.
…just found this
I’ve put some thought into a decision making body, let’s see what everyone thinks.
We will have a council of volunteers (needs a better name). Anyone interested in being part of the political side is welcome, as long as they stay present in the specific council topic. The council will be responsible for delegating tasks.
When a question arises, any member can volunteer to take responsibility. If there are no arguments that person will need to make a separate topic for that question that they will have to direct and maintain, including receiving user input and polling.
If more than one person volunteers for a job, and no one concedes, all potentials will present a quick argument. The council will vote on the best option, and that person will get the job.
If an individual neglects their topic, or is unable to devote the time needed, it will return to the council and someone else can volunteer.
A tie vote would be unlikely, but it would return to discussion for a period of time and then a re-vote. A low turn out in the council might be a good thing, make it more efficient. A low turn out in a specific topic would just result in closing of the topic (this forum uses the word “topic” for thread, I’m trying to use it). Management of a specific topic would be left up to the council member in charge, but any issues would result in reassignment to another council member. I would NOT use any website outside of the forum. I would use private messages as little as possible (hopefully not at all), we want to be transparent. The council topic might be made private for ease of use, but anyone who wants in will be invited.
I have viewed this topic from afar for awhile now (over the course of the year as a stalker at first…my apologies for not socializing immediately… I am sure you all understand with the early backlash associated with the game)
Truly, I see no need for any heavy-handed edicts or governance. Obviously there is a need for a loose general naming convention… and outside of the Euclid galaxy, there is a need for one general rally point for members to collect themselves and find help with resources with the journey to the next galaxy.
However with most of us socializing in the Euclid galaxy, there is room for everyone and enough numbers of players to have areas in each quadrant for player support and CSD influence.
I don’t understand the purpose of this thread at all…nobody can have any real power or control over a region in the game…the most you can do is claim discoveries and have a base there for others to visit and maybe harvest some resources from…that’s it. Nothing more nothing less. Calling someone a governor or whatever means nothing to others. You could call on people to set up meeting spots for hubs and so on in various galaxies and that’s fine if you want to do that but other than that it doesn’t mean much…people and still meet and do what they do there or anywhere else regardless of what anyone else does or if they are there.
It will be coop. It has to be. There will only really be two main things to vote on as I’ve previously covered, names and location. If the need for more voting is required that will be done here for all to see and in the event of a tie vote, the fors and againsts will have an opportunity to re-pitch their ideas before another poll is made. Might drop the whole veto idea.
As for divisions, there wouldn’t be any that would affect decisions and votes. The only obvious division is PC/PS4 and all the game modes but they all need to work tightly together to fulfill the Hub. The creative PC player will still have as much say as a permadeath PS4 player and all will have a valuable say when it comes to location scouting.
Like I’ve said, the titles are something I pulled out the air, but you do need to have a representative of the hub in each game mode to secure and create a base for the decided upon location of the capital. I just chose to call those people Regional Governors.
Everyone seems to have taken my titles as a means to control others and that’s really not my intention at all.
Basically, Etarc hub is a fan club more or less, and we need an individual that will take some responsibility. That everyone can turn to or follow. It is a lot of work, I speak from my experiences of instigating the CSFD. To speed things up, and by speed things up I mean keeping it slowly rolling, I took the wheel. This was not done by a vote I just did it, like slowroit did starting a hub of Etarc forum members. now I thought of picking up where slowroit left off, but I don’t believe I am slowroit’s equal. This is the way I decided to nudge, the hub.
Potentate is a strong word, I believe it means king, we don’t wont that. We want a leader for our little democracy. Some one to report, activities, to draft votes. The “potentate wanted” is click bait and a bit sarcastic, I figured it would insight, some.
As far as calling it a government with governors, supreme governors, or “That Guy”, its real just half roleplay. We could call them leaders, mangers, Shepherds, presidents, popes, alphas, The man, etc, etc.
This was my point. This whole process is unprecedented. I was planning to drop my initiative this weekend, but @Sir_oops beat me to it with this. My interest is in getting this going, I could care less who leads it. Considering it’s just @Oshoryu and I so far, I would concede to him now if we could just get this going. But the vote is way out yet, so I will continue providing ideas until then.
It still doesn’t do anything…nobody’s going to write down a PSN/Steam ID and message that person specifically for questions, they might contact someone because they saw their base and want to meet or someone on their friends if they think that person plays a lot…but people will usually take their questions to google or communities like these forums, reddit, etc. As for roleplay…very few care in any capacity…especially for rotating. The only real responsibility in game is when we name discoveries and our bases as inappropriate things can get one’s PSN/Steam account potentially suspended.
guide me great ruler of the PC ETARC HUB
I agree, I’ve taken a month off and no decision was made. we are spending so much time trying to find a leader and location/tag ID, that people are getting bored and leaving. I almost want to just spin the globe and point at a place for a starting location. At this point let’s just get things started, a leader will eventually rise as long as the community is active. By the way, I appreciate what everyone is doing to get this community going. I can help out by finding a location for the PC version. Sorry for my lack of patience at this point.
That sound good to me. Hey @Oshoryu, it seems we can agree on the need for location of the Hub and naming conventions, so let’s start there. How about we each deal with one? Do you have a preference?