[ETARC HUB]: Location Discussion- POLL CLOSED

The Firefly Star Chain was running unchallenged until The Gates of Aemilius was suggested. These 2 will be the candidates. I will put up a poll momentarily.

Should we expedite the polling process? Perhaps a 24 hour polling period so we can get things going for the weekend? Let me know.

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This poll will be the final polling for the location of the Hub. I assume most people have made themselves familiar with the candidates, so let’s just get to it.

Please choose which location you prefer for the Hub

  • The Firefly Star Chain
  • The Gates of Aemilius

0 voters

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Can ya please up an example up here for how things are to be named?

System: ?
Planets: ?

Tis I waiting to use the new system.

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Please see the below link for our decided upon naming conventions.

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I beg the question … :smiley: … At the next center
System name: ETARCIA name
Planet good for colonizing: ECSD name

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The eventual system should be named:


The planet that is decided for the Capitol:


I think it should be unique, one of a kind naming convention.

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OK, tis what I will do from now on is:

ECFD - Etarcia Citizen Froniter Division
Name of system
my tag line - GB-ZIG

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I think the thread has decided the naming conventions/tag already as
Any hub system - System name ECSD
Any nub planet - Planet name ECSD

@Oshoryu correct me if I’m wrong

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@zsigmond is in a galaxy far, far away and has been leaping through galaxies for a long time now. As one of the only ones out there, he has a free run on his naming methods and is a distant pioneer of the ECFD.
He is slightly nuts and accepts donations of Thamium 9. :crazy_face:
The above posts and related threads refer to our Euclid HUB and the uniformly named systems contained here-in and will probably spill over into the next galaxy at some point.


I’m super hyped for the opening of the Hub I’m probably gonna grind the traveler glyphs tonight to be able to portal to it

Ah ok makes sense, my bad. I read a thread not to long ago about the frontier division. I’m assuming they aren’t a hub as much as breadcrumb trails to the center of galaxies?


Correct. Very distant breadcrumbs.
Good luck glyph-grinding.

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Not even a breadcrumb unless you are lucky.
If you could follow my path that would ba amazing!!!
But at the center I do set up a system.
Use to be ETARC … now ECFD.
I’m aboout 300K from the next center, took a little break, but back on the trail.


Thank you! Is there any way to increase the chances of me finding a traveler race npc?

Safe travels out there interlopeer (my made up word for pioneer interloper)


It is a matter of playing the game and getting excited when you stumble over one. You can trawl the threads looking for clues but the general consensus seems to be just to wander and explore a lot, including diving into black holes.
If you find one use the repeat tricks to try and score multiple glyphs.Don’t focus on trying to find them as it doesn’t seem to work at all.
Good luck.

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Not really, but you can see what others have speculated here.


Thank you both for the info :+1:

Found a traveler! I guess a trick I used was since they only spawn once or twice per system I warped to a one planet system and looked in the station then around buildings and there he was


Now grab him. Ask him where he came from. Pay his 100 nanite clusters. Go find the glyph.

(edit) - Sorry, a bit off-topic. Should really have gone somewhere else.


I’m familiar with how to do that already thanks though very helpful of ya


Yeah, this isn’t the only thread going off-topic. No big deal. Just make sure you vote guys! Location Poll

Good luck with the glyph hunt @itzandp :+1:

EDIT: I still think we should use a shorter polling time. Both locations are ready to move into, and people are getting impatient. Is 24 hours too short? Any objection?