Fistly, if you can’t find the poll to vote in (as I couldn’t), it’s right at the beginning of this thread. Doh.
Secondly, we’ve been asked for pictures. Personally, I think if you have any real interest in the hub, you would go there and look. But here we go:
(Note - all taken from PC normal mode.)
On PS4 this system has been claimed and renamed to Othrys XVI. On PC, it retains its original name of Buzent XVIII. There are 2 possible planets:
Viridescent planet, star bulb, aluminium, iridium
Humid weather, passive sentinels, bountiful flora, limited fauna
Ufferdwarz Onyang
Radioactive water world. (Note - hostile sentinels.)
High radio source, gamma root, emetil, copper.
Particulate winds, hostile sentinels, bountiful flora, sparse fauna.
Two possible planets:
Parched planet, cactus flesh, gold, nickel.
Dust-choked winds, limited sentinels, sporadic flora, limited fauna.
Hoanagii Brovsk
Barren planet, cactus flesh, gold, iridium.
Ceaseless drought, typical sentinels, full flora, fauna not present.
Two possible planets:
Verdant planet, star bulb, gold, nickel.
Painfully hot rain, limited sentinels, ample flora, fauna barren.
To be fair, Almermonderh looks like this most of the time. There’s an almost constant, mildly damaging rain, and the visibility’s not great.
However, there are frequent, extremely severe storms. Then it looks like this:
The shot above was taken 2 seconds after I left my ship. You can see how much my suit protection has dropped. The next one was taken 8 seconds later. It really can be quite severe.
Oquiyaks Sipi
I didn’t really intend this as a submission - it was just something I found. But now it’s on the list, I’ll talk about it.
Verdant planet, star bulb, emeril, copper.
Lethal humidity outbreaks, limited sentinel, empty flora (but see picture - it has trees), bountiful fauna.
The main problem with this place is that it’s a water world. The nearest base to the portal is an hour away across the sea. This is what a base looks like:
That’s all I can give you, unfortunately. Get voting!