[ETARC HUB]: Citizen Science Frontiers Division CSFD

My ideas for CSFD HQ

I have three I like, Taygetulsotre, Johaitro Aswett, Wichukchiinic. Wichukchiinic was a runner up for ETARC HUB capital. I checked the other day and it was still available. (That is if @zeff013 is not calling dibs.) Wichukchiinic is on the Firefly star chain, yet feels remote. The planet is some distance form your starting position in that star system (I believe you have to fly around the large planet to get there). For more info see [ETARC HUB]: Star Catalogue - #32 by Xion4012 and [ETARC HUB]: Finding a Capital- Poll Closed - #70 by zeff013 . Taygetulsotre and Johaitro Aswett are my discovers and are in adjacent regions. Johaitro Aswett is a one planet system I pick as a temporary base of operations. I made a mock up of what I thought our HQ might look like.

Mock up CSFD HQ

I didn’t find the closes base to a portal, this one being 9hrs on foot away. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. speaking of which I think we need a new TLA (three letter abbreviation). I did find a closer base.

PTB = Portal To nearest Base i.e. PTB 9hrs{60min] first time is on foot, second driving nomad

Taygetulsotre-Base site Pictures | PTB 15:54min(4:20min)

Johaitro Aswett-Base site Pictures | PTB 18:26min(5:01min)

Wichukchiinic-Base site Pictures | PTB 22:27min(6:07min)


Taygetulsotre I stumbled on shortly after I watched the Black mirror episode “USS Callister”. This planet like the show had the arch structures. I was exploring for systems near the chain. I showed some pictures and talked about it here, [ETARC HUB]: Finding a Capital- Poll Closed - #85 by Sir_oops.

I added Taygetulsotre and Johaitro Aswett to [ETARC HUB]: CSFD Address reporting - #116 by Sir_oops with some pictures

A. Taygetulsotre
B. Johaitro Aswett
C. Wichukchiinic
D. Penthouse
E. Etarcia

Thoughts? I would like to see two more chain candidates, if available.