Instigator’s bi-weekly report #3!
My most excellent Frontier Nomads,
We voted unanimous to form a diplomatic raelationship with the The Budullangr Amino (PS4) hub, here is the fruits of this relationship, [ETARC HUB]: CSFD of ETARC hub and The Budullangr Amino (PS4) hub, Compact #1, as you can see the agreement will be up held by the following
CSFD of Etarc (ps4) (pc)
@toddumptious, @TravelEcho, Wyo, @MrBacon, Xion4012, zsigmond, @FRANK_CADILLAC, Sir_oops
The Budullangr Amino (PS4)
toddumptious, @RubbermanBAH, @Red_Genocide, @mjw8441, zsigmond, @arpoja
Once we get the 1-16 or 1-8 outpost established we will find an artist to make a flyer about the road promoting the ETRAC, CSFD, Inter-galactic highway and the Amino hub,
Thank you Travelers!
Voting results
We voted on Outposts, these are the chosen,
9. ETARC-Ubtsov
11. ETARC-SatKaray-GB_ZIG
12. ETARC_Muglinski_GB_ZIG
13. Goordteer Navis
14. CSFD-ATLAS-lodi-GB-ZIG (I’m going with Zig on this one, Zig has been there i haven’t)
The majority has decided that we will continue to vote Bi-weekly.
All votes will be public, I added up the percentages from each the public votes and private votes on this. Which came to 83% public, 75% private, and 42% drafters choice.
I’d like to say welcome to Xion4012 and @Soapsuds.
Speaking of Soap, Soap has reported a possible challenger to the the Outpost #8 in Kikolgallr “NonexistentParadiseCSFD-ZIG” discovered by zsigmond
Soap still needs to provide more info (like PA), but he says it is a short walk to a base.
see [ETARC HUB]: CSFD Address reporting - #51 by Soapsuds
If Zig and Soap would like to describe the two further, I’d like to draft up a vote.
Also I call a vote for a rule on challenging Outpost, as follows, Once a member of the CSFD has Outposts that are approved, they can lose all but one to challengers. I don’t want any one losing all there outpost to challengers, but I’d like the new members to have a chance to claim one.
One Outpost safe vote, below.
- Approve
- Disapprove
0 voters
Compact #2 did not go as well, as Compact #1 I’d like to give @Oshoryu of the CSFD a chance to claim an Outpost in Euclid. Osh is on the way. For those that do not know Compact #2 was to be with the Spacing guild to claim an Outpost in Euclid. The Spacing guild is more interested in exploring New hubs like ETARC Hub, throught their H.E.A.D program. So, with that, here is a plea from me someone, get that Hub rollin’, form a governing body, and contact the the Spacing guild.
Now, thats not to say the Spacing guild is not interested in the CSFD, perhaps they would be willing to travel the Intergalactic Highway. Inspect the road, like there Centers of Excellence award. Any thoughts on this?
Last thing, I’d like to vote on the roads name any suggestion?
I like Tran-Galactic highway, but you may have a better name, let us know.
Let me know if I forgot someone or a topic.
Just another Instigator,
Sir Oops
Next report 10-23-17
p.s. watch for more votes, i’m reserving the right to post votes one week in leaving a whole week for voting.