Emily posted vlog #4 - It "glitches"



We can discuss and interact, just don’t bring up the fact they’re actors etc at least not on etarc, however you can within the confines of the ARGS lore question whether she’s not a double agent etc or might know more than she lets on etc, could have ties with the companies behind the technologys discussed etc etc, Which is technically true if you get what I mean :wink:

Fair enough, i think a lot of people are like me, coming into this as our first true ARG, so the “rules” aren’t obvious

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Thats okay we’re all here to collaborate and inform :slight_smile: or in my case just witness people solve these things super fast and marvel in awe and try to keep on top of things :smiley:

What’s with that weird tone in the background? Is that supposed to be ambient music and I’m on bad headphones?

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Oh yeah I thought that goes without saying. I didnt mean for people to not role-play.

It could be feedback from a merging universe? Apparently you’re in the wilderness in Russia covfefe. I know you aren’t great with social interactions outside of small little internet communities but I didn’t realise it was so bad you’ve become a Hermit!

Sorry to have snooped, emilys disappearance has me checkign EVERYONES profile just in case theres something we’re not seeing here!


Yeah, I don’t know man. After hearing Elizabeth’s messages and that Twitch conference yesterday, I truly believe that Emily is going to turn into an Echo of some sorts… or she was this whole time.

Well it does seem like it was a poor idea for us to submit Emily’s video to the Echo site; there might well be an Echo version of Emily out there now. I believe she is real; if you think she is an Echo, then every other member must also be an Echo, and the site itself would’ve been created by the Atlas Foundation to lure us here. But I’d rather not think about that possibility just yet.

I’m just wondering where @Gruffham is.

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Aren’t we all Echos? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Emily is an attempt by rogue Atlas intelligence to intermix with humans and urge them along the path that Atlas seeks.

I’m obviously being overly dramatic with these ideas, but I think some variation of this would be really cool.