Element 6 unlocked and NMS NEXT Trailer Discussion

Yes, you’re right…makes a lot more sense.

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It definetly seems to indicate new mechanics in the game. Just like the mysterious text files released pre-AR release last summer indicated a new story mode.

I’m not so sure…I mean you can crash your ship into asteroids now…how much damage they do to your shields depends on your game mode. I don’t necessarily expect them to change much there. I think this is just a story or a rather random traveler. A bit of lore.

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So in 1 hour we will know if they will repeat, with a different bitly/ link, there’s time for 2 more before the countdown ends

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I’m thinking it sounds like another way of interacting with crashed freighter logs.
Sounds to me like activity in the caves (and if the previous Clyp file is remembered), more dangerous terrain in general.

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I would hope they have something better in store for the next 30 odd hours than repeating these slides…they’ve been well saved all over the place for anyone playing catch-up.

@DarthTrethon @Mad-Hatter @Argh thanks for the help with the audio log you had some that i didn’t


Thanks to you too @DarkbyDesign there was the line about the eggs I didnt pick up on initially.

Go teamwork! :muscle:


I mean they could give us a different red letter

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Possibly…but with Atlas Rises storms on extreme planets became very deadly…I was very comfy and all exploring with my theta protection tech and and all until a storm caught me in extreme conditions and my protection was holding it back very nicely and all but when it ran out my life support was just plummeting, straight nose diving in seconds…I survived by the skin of my teeth. Taught me to never let my protection tech run dry again and made me a lot more paranoid about always having loads of zinc on hand.


Yeah…and maybe a video too…sure there’s technically a stream on right now but it distinctly feels like we’re being cheated right now…we voted for video and we’re really just getting text and and audio.


Maybe new terrain dangers will be something non-atmospheric…like toxic/acidic sludge or hordes of evil critters? New things hopefully.
Just speculating.


no the video we voted for is the stream, they could give us a YT or Imgur link next


Yeah but it’s not really a video…the text images we’re getting could have been delivered via status command updates…it’s like we were offered a video and we’re getting a video streaming a paper letter that could have been emailed or whatever…that’s what I mean when I say it feels like they’re cheating. Plus the elements shouldn’t really be about the ARG…they’re the game related bits.


I see what you mean, well maybe the countdown leads us too that

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The countdown I suspect is something quite significant…like a more proper reveal of the game…something like a trailer or full multiplayer details from HG or full patch notes. The reason I say that is because a) Sean has not been this active on twitter in over two years now, b) there is a countdown that wouldn’t need to be there if something significant wasn’t at the end of it, and most importantly c) the timing of it…it ends of Tuesday at 8am PST/11am EST/4pm UK…that time is commonly used by the game industry for significant game reveals like new game announcements, proper trailer releases, release date announcements for games that don’t have them, etc…and in the case of NEXT it’s also the one week to release mark.

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The countdown ends on Tuesday.
One week from release on Xbox.
Inside Xbox always comes out on Tuesday.
Whatever happens at the end of the countdown will probably be Xbox oriented and we get to go along for the ride.
Wouldn’t you pee in your pants if we got a Inside Xbox Special Edition devoted to NMS?

Inside Xbox happened this past Tuesday, if you want the details for that go see this:

So no more inside xbox this month.