Echo-64 has updated

Will do - it has an 8 letter code in it.

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(sorry for my english) . Guys the pictures of echo crew i, i found this :

every photo is from websites with free photos …

z1Rgxi5L I believe

Looks right to me. The two look like the two halves should superimpose on each other though if anybody has access to photoshop

Yep, it leads to a pastebin. 54 68 65 72 65 20 69 73 20 6e 6f 74 68 69 6e 67 20 65 69 74 68 65 72 20 67 6f 6f -

Which then translates out to > “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”

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First of all, Hi to all, hope something good come from this…

so guys,
check for Markov chain-inspired personality - thats on the second page “OUR SERVICES”

Something involved dimension jumping and
" A Markov chain is a system that transitions between states using a random, “edit” memoryless process."
from a first google result

Which leads to some hex code that translates to “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so”

…I consider this a clever red herring. =\

Awesome! Let’s see where this leads!

haha just found it myself. It’s from No Fear Shakespeare: Hamlet: Act 2, Scene 2, Page 11

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so” is a quote from Hamlet. According to Sparknotes, it is Act 2, Scene 2, page 11.

“2211” could be one of the 4-digit sequences in the URL for another PDF.

Which URL? I wasn’t here for the first PDFs.

Same here, no idea about that.

Here’s the first PDF:

And the second:

Notice how they have the same format, with 4 distinct sequences of hex numbers. 8 digits - 4 digits - 4 digits - 4 digits - 12 digits

I see I’m late - anyway here are the two halves of the image overlayed with the first half being on top and light set to Linear Burn:


does anybody have the answer to the second part of the Waking Titan Hexagon?

It involves the 5 shapes on the homepage of echo-64

I think that’s the generic format for uploads to Amazon’s cloud service… or something like that. I’m just googling it real quick.

That said, it might be that they’re trickling something out… but I feel like a 4-digit code could apply to almost anything in the world. :confused:

second result was Dimension Jumping and Auxiliary Variable Techniques for Markov Chain …,
but is 404 and is from 2007…

You might be right about it being a generic format, but still, we should keep an eye out for collections of numbers like that. They might lead to a PDF we have to puzzle out to piece together the URL for.