tl;dr – track list, direct-linked to 65 Days of Static’s own YouTube videos, 2nd post
Firstly, I’d like to THANK all of you who’ve so far welcomed me during the past week or so since I joined (so belatedly, dammit; I wish I’d known about this ages ago ) .
(So, yeah, I’m still relatively “new” here; please be gentle with me. LOL. Thanks.)
Second, I’m aware there’s a thread for “NMS-Inspired music”, but specifically this isn’t just “inspired” by NMS, this IS NMS MUSIC, the No Man’s Sky SOUNDTRACK.
Third, the Gen.Disc. thread’s subtitle reads:
Take off your headset, put your feet up, and tell us what’s on your mind.
… but I’m specifically asking you to PUT YOUR HEADSET BACK ON.
Aims of this thread:
++ 1.a ++ provide a “convenient” link-off to 65DoS own YouTube channel / ‘videos’ for the tracks many of us will have come to know & love(?!).
++ 1.b ++ ask you ALL to click through, especially to YOUR favourites, and be sure to LIKE the videos for the NMS tracks, as the puny numbers suggest that 65DoS’ channel NEEDS FAR MORE from the likes of us!
Thank you for your support here!
++ 1.c ++ ensure that anyone not yet familiar (enough!) with 65daysofstatic’s NMS soundtrack gets the chance to REALLY get their EARS tickled by this stuff.
—> Listen while you ETARC / do Citizen Science for this ATLAS Division <—
++ 2. ++ seek your Thoughts & Feedback on 65 Days of Static’s NMS music - tracks you LOVE & why, tracks you hate & why, and perhaps even take your own exploratory audio-tour of their other posted tracks, and share those YOU think would suit NMS – I’ll be including MY fave Debutante (from the “We Were Exploding Anyway” album), which you will likely ALL remember as the E3 (etc) audio backing track to the PREVIEW VIDEOS which got us all super-hyped for this game!
++ 3. ++ to focus on, discuss, and “celebrate” the Creatives behind the soundtrack to our Space Exploration in NMS, 65 Days of Static, and the music they gifted us all.
Now … I have, in the past, enjoyed 65DoS’ music via OTHER YouTubers who’ve shared it.
However, as they’re still making money off it, I don’t want them to benefit at 65DoS’ expense, which is why I’m asking you to Listen to, Love, & “Like” 65DoS’ Much Better-Sounding, Original-Upload-Quality tracks, please!
Just as our purchase of NMS has “helped” Hello Games (as well as, indirectly, 65DoS), listening to, and clicking the on, 65 Days of Static’s Certified YouTube-posted tracks will “help” them out, too.
Let’s make it our way of THANKING 65 Days of Static for their soundtrack to our fantastical sci-fi universe.
Please click through; please click the ; thanks for your support, everyone!
Kindest Regards,
Your fellow Traveller,