I have not checked recently, but they have been there. The text length is limited isn’t it? And I am not a big fan of the pop-up message. I would prefer to actually need to engage the object to read the message.
Agreed. I dread landing near rendezvous points because of the com ball messages. Having at least a toggle would be nice. But having us interact with them to see the message would be better.
Today’s datamining news: XESS and FSR 2 support, and the new “Portal” Menu being animated/dynamic?
I’ve cross-checked with older Archive versions, as well as LibMBIN commits, can confirm both of these arrived with Endurance.
so this new ui is called InfoPortal (makes sense), and must cycle what is shown on it.
If their variable names are correct, yea. It makes a lot more sense, coming from just “PortalPage” tbh.
Found a weird new building HUD? Confirmed it wasn’t there before endurance : UI/HUD/HUDQUICKBUILD.MBIN
Reminds me of the old Pre Frontiers menu, with a UI refresh and style of the new menu.
There was also a Gravity Volume SCENE in the tests folder somewhere that shows up as a new file on the 3.94 (Endurance) vs 3.93 (Leviathan) which is just a giant cuboid with a gravity component attached.
Also also, looks like HG might be planning to reduce the install size? They added Oodle Data as a legal reference, which is an Epic Games made SDK for compression, which seems particularly targeted towards .PAK files… Not sure if it’s used rn or not.
nice…would love to be able to store addresses
Lol no it’s not attached to the portal sorry. I just replaced the portal page with this HUD element to get it to load.
That’s my defacto test method now
Ah cool…either way I still want to store addresses lol
The combat wiki section goes till 6 entries, doesn’t it? Endurance added an icon for a 7th entry but, for the life of me I can’t find it in game.
you mean combat7.png ?
Yep, that’s the one. Probably used elsewhere, I didn’t look at the wiki too closely tbh
Its definitely referenced in the wiki
STRING ENTRY - Ammunition
Not sure what triggers it to be added to wiki…but it has to be unlocked to appear
Hmm, are all wiki topics unlocked in creative? I’ll go take a look if it’s there. Although if it’s got a working string then it probably is working
the current PAK files don’t but thats a high possibility for the switch update to make them smaller.
Decided to have a look,
Looks, cool…one of these days i need to find the time to fix my model viewing as 1/2 them still look exploded lol…mesh0 is one of those lol
Gravity: (I assumed this was added for gravity lift, in freighters but not sure)
Well have a look later and see if i can find reference to material / dds files it uses.
Interesting… Does that generator thing for the hologram look familiar? I could’ve sworn I’ve seen something similar on a frigate…
Gravity Volume… Yea no clue apart from a test for localized gravity?
Gravity volume is just a cube, it fits inside the other…
so I was thinking it was just a place holder with a visual bounding box for testing
Visual bounding makes sense yea… Althought iirc HG’s collisions are usually just big solid boxes instead of something carved.