Datamining (Maximum Spoilers)

Correct me if I misunderstood (I‘m still learning all of this): So the Portal_UI is not intended to be triggered by interacting with a portal; but a modder temporarily overwrote some existing non-essential interaction (i.e. portal) to not open its usual UI, but instead the new Portal_UI, just so he could see it once?


That’s what it sounds like, yes. He could have overriden any interaction to pop up that page, he just chose the portal because it seems related. My guess by now is, it isn’t.


I was thinking about this, and now I don’t just want a journal that collects our found story bits, but also one where we can write into on our own… Now that would be a real killer feature for me! :grimacing:


I made a request to HG for the ability to write our own bits of story onto the ‘tablets’ found on the derelict freighters and the ability to leave these tablets around our bases for others to read. A ‘journal’ of some type would be nice as well.


Yep, the filenames for both pages were the same (with a different page) so they just overwrote the one that the normal portal uses.


Yeah, especially I want to keep my own notes, like “return here for easy cargo pods” or “they have enormous cogs!” or “don’t run from sentinels under water, you muppet”.

When NMS was released, I (and surely many others as well) posted suggestions for travel logs to HG’s Zendesk. They already added the suggested Portal address watermarks to photomode screenshots, guess they are going slowwwly through the years-old list. :laughing:

They could also put those navigation save points to good use, they take a picture of the surroundings, and I can still never recognise any planet again. A modern spaceship should be able to keep a log book sorted by time… not asking too much. :innocent:


Here is the MBIN extracted version of the file I had extracted looking for the 4 Icon references. This defines the elements of layout. Its been in code for ages, so I assume the new section is just updated. I don’t have an old copy to compare it to… from now on I am snap shotting every version just for reasons like this lol.

You will notice the atlas icons, same have questioned are from:


I have to agree. I don’t think this is specific to portals in anyway. And I hope your right about the stories part! I suspect it is designed to be used on handheld devices easier.


Not entirely sure where you’re getting the file history for this file. Looking at the NMS-Archive (, the UI MBIN was added with Endurance, and hasn’t existed before, at least for a few versions. Are you looking at UI/PORTAL/PORTALPAGE.MBIN for the history by any chance?

Here’s a mod to switch the portal page (the one that shows up after pressing activate portal) with this new menu if anyone would like to test it themselves: NewPortal.pak - Google Drive

Note: that’s not the original trigger point for this menu.

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So there are 2 files:

My files, not the git repo show:
E:\Project_NMS\Program Data\NMS_CommunityToolkit\Resources\Contents\Backup\20210529.XML

From 2021

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Ah right, so it shows that UI/PORTAL/PORTALPAGE.MBIN is from 2021? That’s the portal (Teleport Gate) page where you input runes. UI/PORTALPAGE.MBIN doesn’t exist pre-endurance, and is the actual new menu.

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Yes exactly. Well 2021 is just the earliest I was bothering to index files.
I haven’t compared the 2 files yet (in this version), (stupid work) to see how similar they are. And I haven’t compared the old to new as i didn’t have the git link (thanks)

But i will do this later today.

The file I posted in google…is the new menu as that is where I had found the DDS references.

The snap shots I make now, are like 5mb compressed of just the XML stuff, i don’t bother extracting all of the models and textures etc for comparing.

45GB Git Archieve…I didn’t think anything that big could get uploaded…cool…hmmm


I honestly have no clue how the NGuiStyle Game Component works (from what I’ve seen not many people do lol) so if you do get to read them, I’d love to get a run down. I tried copying the data from the new menu page to the rune entry page in ModBuilder but, I’m guessing I was messing something up since it kept crashing.

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They mostly read like html codeDOM. With lots of child elements. With various states, active/hover and all that defining appearances , colors, effects etc in the various states. I haven’t looked at them much, and the EXML format makes them more of a chore to read. So I am gonna look some more but someone will likely beat me to it lol.


Thanks for the help, I’ll try looking at a simpler file under ModBuilder’s EBIN format, it’s spoiled me to the point I can’t use EXML anymore :sweat_smile:


Ah, yes. Like a portal web page. Sometimes we get trapped thinking INside the box. :grin:


I can’t…
I just can’t…

I found this…Haven’t looked to see if 3d mode files are there… but …well:

Player Spring Attachment
DebugName" value=“Ground Normal Damper”
DebugName" value=“Tail Top”
DebugName" value=“Head Lag”
DebugName" value=“Pouch”

Anyone else thinking Kangaroo suit lol I hope there are models in there lol
LOL maybe its a Tanooki Suit…is coming to switch ROFL

Haven’t found much but I did find another refernce in debug options for this spring attachment effect, whatver it is…tail…gravity…Kangeroo Suit lol

ForceEnablePlayerSpringAttachmentComponent" value=“False”
ForceDisablePlayerSpringAttachmentComponent" value=“False”


I’m getting commander Keen vibes… :laughing:


Still hoping for some NMS amiibo

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Were those miniature message modules we could build in our base removed from the game? Those would work for that if they could be built on freighters. I agree tablets that we could read from would be cooler though