Current Designations

Minneapolis, MN USA :slight_smile:

Anybody have any idea why downloaded a local copy of the image I shared above? You can see it in “edits”… I guess it’s some automated thing but of all the pictures I’ve posted to do it on XD

Atlas is watching :scream:

I would assume you linked to an online available image instead of uploading a local copy. I guess Discourse creates its own copies to make sure they remain available and most likely uses a preferred format for them as well. If the online source becomes unavailable, it would otherwise result in empty images, so I guess it makes perfect sense to do so.


If you’re not lucky enough to get an Atlas pass though the post, no problem. Print your own.

Atlas Pass


Apparently it happens when you post a picture

A good idea in theory… However, in practice, I really wanna know what the heck is on the flipside of the pass :wink:


That’s actually a fair guess at the representation. I’m UK.

we have a few people in US and UK with HG-16, so timezone and region are out i think.

I think we have to take their statement at face value. They gave us profiling questionnaires. They monitored our performance in tasks (or whether we performed the tasks at all).

Clearly we’re being sorted into groups for a reason. What that is, we’ll have to wait and see.


After spending the whole day speculating/hyping/wondering I have to surrender to the fact that we just have to wait and see. I just hope that when my turn will come I’ll be ready and useful enough.


Just tried to put my designation at the end of the CSD webpage address and get a forbidden error.
The hostID on the access denied page, will that mean anything or is it randomly generated?

Tonight is THE night!


We strike at midnight

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I hope so.
Better than birthdays all this waiting and leaping in to sort out puzzle peices.