Final submission time!
After far too much tinkering, I am finally satisfied with this execution of the concept that we have been working on. To be clear, while my hands moved these pixels, YOU ALL designed this logo. This was a collaborative design from start to finish, which was the goal from the onset.
Now I’m not sure how this works with the poll that (prematurely) went around…
There was no heads-up that there was a deadline. No one reached out to me to clarify that the design was even complete. The “progress” logo I posted was grabbed and tossed into the poll for voting, and then voting was closed.
What the heck happened @DevilinPixy? I understand the desire to wrap this up (more then most in here), but that was a bit slap dash.
My feels won’t be hurt if this mark doesn’t win consensus. But they will be a bit tender if the final result of our labor isn’t even considered. ¯\(º_o)/¯