Cant progress base building missions

I am currently stuck on a timed request from my Exocraft Tech. I have reached the facility multiple times within the time limit but it immediately states mission failed. The only thing possibly messing it up is that I am getting there in my ship rather than my exocraft. This was never a problem before NEXT.

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Interesting, as when I got that mission, I attempted it with my exocraft as supposed to. However, with the amount of water around, I kept failing, not even getting close. So I decided to use my ship instead without any issue. This was a few patches back though, so maybe they changed it?

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I did the Exocraft missions last night and all my locations were off planet, so I had no choice but to fly there. They all counted though. Must be something else causing the issue. Maybe try removing the terminal and replacing it to get the mission again?

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Interesting to have them off planet. Do you by any chance have another base on the planet where the missions were located?

Some people had a problem with this a long time ago - Pathfinder?

Any way, this was the solution:

If you fail a timed quest, it will restart. But only when you speak to the quest giver. So -

Take the makings of an exocraft geobay, and fly in your ship to a point near, but not too close, to the quest destination. Say, 300 or 400 paces. Build a geobay. Call your exocraft to it.

Now fly back to the quest giver, and request a restart of the quest.

Now fly in your ship to the geobay. Get in your exocraft, and drive the short distance to the quest destination. So long as you start from a different chunk, and arrive in an exocraft, the game can’t tell where you came from.

Or so the theory goes…


I may be wrong. I completed the tech missions a long time ago. I thought that the final exocraft task offered (picking up some spare change) was repetitive by intent and that it ended only if you stopped going.

Are there new tasks? I resurrected my techs but got tired of doing the same tasks over and over again.

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I was finally able to complete the task. I used my ship. It sent me to a terminal and gave me a cryogenic chamber. Before, it would either say failed as soon as I landed or I would go to the terminal and extract nothing and it would give me another location to go to. Glad it is finally finished.


A post was split to a new topic: Base Building Issues