Beyond BEYOND - wishlist

By space weather, I was speaking more towards distinct regions of a system with a differing or mitigating effect when you travel through it. My thought were things like heavy nebula, ion storms, gravity wells, or heavy asteroid fields (like Empire Strikes Back) that give more flavor of things in space. These areas would work well with where you would need to go to find space fauna or derelicts .

(BTW, space whales aren’t the only possible creature to leave in space, but I will take it. I think it would be interesting if there were creatures that prey upon ships that hide in heavy asteroid fields or heavy nebula.)


Neither am I, but this is NMS, so why would we need a Boss? The endgame could be an entire unique but dangerous planet to puzzle out! Or several. Sentinel home worlds would be a favourite of mine, dangerous machine worlds with their own unique set of locations and challenges. Something along those lines.

I insist that if spacewhales are implemented, they be landable and explorable. Insides included, voltron-style! :grin:

Yeah, all of those ideas are pretty out there. They would be realistic if HG suddenly decided to invest into procedural systems again, but so far they have not extended their core systems much since launch. Improved them, yes, but haven’t really added anything new in that regard…


The possibility of (not too difficult) puzzles would be nice. (I am a former Myst player. Some of those puzzles were a “bit much.”)

Ability to investigate and research more stuff would be a nice enhancement too.




Make it simple … IE… KISS principle


i want to see my character in VR photo mode!

photo mode is added to VR which is ace but the player is just a floating backpack :ghost: I love the bizarre characters you can create at the appearance modifier but in VR that’s the only place you can see your avatar.


I have been asking for a compass since day one. I would like at least eight cardinals and perhaps when using the binoculars the degrees show up next to the range near the center graticule. I hope you added your weight by submitting this on the bug/suggestions page.


I had submitted the suggestion on zen desk to have a roborecall type holsters on the thighs and a Lone Echo type body.


Ever since Freighters were added, I have wished to be able to put windows in all the way around. To have the ability to look out into space from there.

I’m happy that they finally gave us actual windows for the large round and square buildings. Perhaps something like those that we could see all of space through on the freighter.


I submitted the “added compass points” a while back, but I may resubmit in a slightly different phrasing. :wink:


I submitted the idea of large interdimentional space whales about 2-ish years ago. Space creatures so big that you can land on them and explore inside them. And there would be a special harpoon that can be attatched to a ship in order to properly land on it. Staying on it would take you into a different dimension and in a random solar system. Killing it would require navigating a sort of dungeon-like insides and reap special rewards and lore.

Adding to my wishlist:
still customisable ships(cosmetic) and multitools.
more story with a few cutscenes.
Procedural cities and dungeons.
Update the space stations(Perhaps replace them with cities? Such as space station cities/market place that reflect the economy. Such as a spacestation that has a city inside with greater tech at greater costs and a poor economy would have a space station with a smaller village-like space station with cheaper items but low-level amd the npc’s would have clothing reflecting the poverty)
more enemy types such as a sort of “boss” badguys.

And as nearly everyone is saying… variety.


I have really only two major wishes left where gameplay is concerned (besides variety improvement. I don’t think it’s as bad as most people think, but more variety is always a good thing).

The first is some form of encounter system that makes unpredictable things happen. Could be started by making currently existing sites a lot more varied in what can happen or what you can find there, would be nice if it went a bit further by making the sites procedural aesthetically (I mean, the ruin with artifacts is nice and all, but it’s one ruin). COuld be taken all out with a dungeon-esque system (see starbound) and in the best cases some procedural plot generation.

The second will probably get me murdered by Zsigmond, but… I’d like a hardcore mode with mostly mechanical changes. What I think that should entail is first of all TANSTAFL:

  • No free freighter. Work your way up and buy one instead (they’re cheap enough to not make that frustrating. Does anybody remember Atlas Rises? :rofl:) .
  • station teleporters have a cost to use, preferably depending on transfer distance.
  • Every freighter jump consumes fuel. No more free calling your freighter to you from half the universe away at no cost. Fuel consumption should depend on the distance.
  • Calling a freighter from another system takes time for it to arrive. It might also get damaged during the journey (think frigate missions).
  • Freighters should still be callable from distances longer than they have fuel for, but it would take longer and have a higher risk of damage as they take breaks to refuel.
  • Starships don’t teleport through portals and station teleporters. If you’re teleporting to a base, leave a ship there if you want to use one.
  • Calling your ship from other systems should have the same restrictions as freighters.

Then, there’s a few difficulty modifiers that could lead to some fun gameplay:

  • Loosing a hitpoint damages a random tech.
  • Loosing a hitpoint of a ship breaks a random slot (the way slots are broken on crashed ships). If there’s any cargo or tech there, it’s gone.
  • broken slots of ships have certain effects depending on their type, and they’re cumulative. Radiation leaks? Well, you’ll need that radiation protection in the ship too, I’m afraid…
  • Frigate missions that are underway when you’re offline do not automatically succeed. Rather, declare a policy in advance whether they should retreat when damaged or not in advance, and play the mission out normally.
  • Frigate can sustain critical damage that strands them in the system they’re in. If you want them back, you’ll have to go there and repair them.
  • Freighters don’t get five jumps out of one lousy warp cell. I’d advocate for making them use frigate fuel in copious amounts instead (say 1 per lightyear?).

If they’d satisfy those two, a space update would move to the top of the list, with a rebel galaxy-esque micro-simulation of factions in each system. After that, I honestly don’t know if I’d wish for anything except maybe just for more of the same, because more is always better…


If they do all that you suggest, then I pray that they will add another game mode to accommodate you and others who will appreciate it.

With that list added to normal mode I (and quite a few others) would lose interest in the game pretty fast.


Yeah, that would be suggestion. Either just update survival mode, or to be completely on the save side, put in an entirely new one.


My thoughts when I read through your self-punishment wishlist :slight_smile: was that these would be reasonable updates to survival and permadeath modes to improve the challenge in the spirit of those modes.


Me and a friend both like your wishlist. I can see how NMS is a very easy game and there are players out there that like the easy-going gameplay(sometimes that includes me), but I do admit that when any game is too easy, it can get boring too fast. Sometimes a grind, in balanced amounts, can make a game feel more rewarding. For example, I rarely ever touch creative mode because it feels like im cheating. When everything is just handed to me, I cant appreciate as much. The satisfaction of earning something gets stolen from me.

But on the flip side, there are many times I do like the chill experience of NMS. To add to your wishlist, that is not self-punishing at all, I think your idea should be implemented throughout the entire game. However, the galaxy should have dangerous areas that reap better and more of the rare rewards for playing in those areas. This would make two groups happy, the players that like the chill NMS experience and those who like a challenge. The easy-goers can still get those rare rewards, just not as quickly as travelling through the dangerous parts of the galaxy, and the ones who want excitement can travel to those dangerous pirate-infested, war-torn, smugglers hideout filled parts. Those parts should even have a different social space such as a different looking space station to match the dangerous zones. Something that looks like a sketchy place. Adding to that, buying and selling there would have different items with higher values. And the missions you recieve there would be bounties and rare items that can only be received by breaking the law such as shooting down another player(specifically in the dangerous zone and when in online mode only) to take something that pirate wanted. Perhaps have a message prompt/warning before entering the dangerous zones that entering through that area and travelling accross any of its planets/solar systems will be risky if online.

Regarding the freighter warp. You can have an option to tell it to come to you through two methods:
Fastest route(will cross any dangerous zones causing damage but uses less fuel)
Safest route(goes around dangerous zones preventing damage but may use more fuel due to the detour)

Revised “handfull of” to “players out there” for a bit more neutrality and accuracy.


so we are nothing?

no one should make easy going games ever again!!!


Appologies. I revised my previous response as a “handfull” was a word that means very little in comparison to what I meant to say since there are actually a considerable amount.


lol, ok,

Have you heard of Ultima Online.

In its day it was the hottest game around.

PvP and non-PvP took place

There was grind and simple all mixed together.
The loudest group that complained was the PvP group
The game developers decided to make 2 worlds.
pvp world non-pvp world
after a year the data showed 14% of the players played in the pvp world
The hard world was pvp.
The simple world was non-pvp.

I get to have my cake now and enjoy it!!!


I bought NMS when it came out because it was not multiple player, didn’t require complex eye-hand coordination, was not a first person shooter and because the discovery part of it looked interesting.

I would not like NMS to become FPS or PVP. These types of games already exist and are readily available. NMS should remain true to its original vision.