Atlas passes V4. Small update

I am a bit concerned it stated not to share the class outside of CSD now I know most of us here will be in the CSD but there will be some that are not, would any “non” CSD people like to reveal themselves?? I’d create a poll on here but I have no clue how to do it lol

I uploaded about 40-50 XD Got 16-a, don’t think theres much rhyme to their reason.

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Citizen Scientist b46750ef8f Class 16-A checking in.

I’d say, considering how large a percentage of the 16-A there are, we must be the brave, the proud…

The base level privates of the group. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Which is fine for me. I like to carry on like I’m some mega-talented brain trust whatever I’m involved in, but while I ponder like crazy, I often don’t get very far. I’m the fruitbat who uploaded a pic of our local Taco Bell. Taken from the net no less, but hey, I didn’t have a working camera at the time.

Whatever the case, I intend to be the best darn 16-A I can. I’m going to keep pouring over all these crazy factors about this case till long after I begin repeating myself. I just hope I’m not the equivalent of a Star Trek “red shirt,” the guys who always get killed. I don’t want to become an Echo like Emily!! It’s really… blurry.

Anyhow, whether I get blurred out or not, I’m glad I decided to throw my lot in with you guys and annoy this place with my paranoid ramblings from time to time. We paranoid ramblers serve a useful purpose in this world after all, to keep all the crazy stuff in people’s minds so we aren’t the only ones loosing our marbles. And I’m going to keep pouring over all these crazy factors about this case till long after I begin repeating - dang it!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Passes could be based on geographical location?

I’m with you buddy, and knowing that you and @toddumptious and all the others i saw so far are on my team (16-A) makes me rest assured we’re going to rock everything coming our way in waking titan!

My first thought was that people who documented solving glyphs and decoding messages super-fast (read: discord) got their corresponding class, and that the overall troops mostly got 16-A. The different classes could then translate into different capabilities in NMS post-update, or different tasks assigned within WT, but it’s once again anybody’s guess. It won’t stop me, for example, to try to solve even the harder puzzles, regardless of what class i’m in.

Actually, all we know is that sending out of atlas passes will be completely random, and I doubt that HG wants to “un-democratise” either NMS or WT by introducing hierarchies and thus elitism and potential conflict between us players.

I’m still going to roll with it and do the best I can and feel like, as I’m enjoying this game to the max! Even now, on vacation in Northern Italy, am I logged into Etarc and posting this!

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WT-01 here/PS4

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I feel the passes will be probably a random draw but the designations may be more directed at the types of individuals who have been involved.
Proven code breakers in one class, NMS Fanatics in another class, exploratory theroists in another. (Lets not forget ‘rambling posters’ too;) Got to remember ETARC is part of it so what we say here reflects our reasons for being here.
Or its all just purely random but the class designations may end up getting ‘individual’ tasks as was mentioned in an earlier email to the Citizens. Split us up a bit maybe…?

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As I wrote in another post: Maybe our tag depends on the answer we gave on the questionnaire with the puzzles: “Are you doing this alone or with a group?”
The various tags might refer to the different groups (discord, reddit, etarc, … I would suppose that the majority of people answered “alone” which might be 16-A as in alone.

I’d just like to try and clear something up regarding revealing Class I.D.'s please be honest with this poll

  • YES I am a member of the CSD (Citizen Science Division)
  • NO I am not a member of the CSD (Citizen Science Division)

0 voters

As long as we’re not red shirts I am perfectly fine with being a base level private.

Speaking of red shirts, any confirmation people wearing red at the live drop yesterday actually made it home? I find it hard to believe they survived it.


PB-16 here

Our classification model uses multiple data points including your behavior and quantitative activity as a Citizen Scientist.

Each class designation has a unique strength that indicates your key role in our ongoing experiment.

Maybe the next calibration task will be different for each class?

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Ha! This is already disussed on another thread. That’s what I get for sleepiing.