PvE vs PvP and
Co-Op vs MMOG
While we’re on the subject of “Civilization Building”,
Came portals, shot your friends or explore together?
Let’s discuss the civilized-space community of NMS;
Better yet, let’s hear our entire community reason…
@CobraTV, I strongly believe that Player vs Environment,
And Cooperative Multiplayer, foster stronger Community.
Player vs Player = Competitive Gaming
What’s the difference between…
Racing Starships & Exocraft -vs- Blowing each other up with them
Who can shot more Drones -vs- Who can kill more players n’ bases
K/R Kills per Round; D/R Deaths per Round; K/D Kill/Death Ratio
The very reason why NMS and our Atlas CSD forums are peaceful,
Is because this game and our community starve hate, and feed love.
NMS PvP is a delicate matter. Proceed with Caution.
- Sales will gush -but
- Player turnover
Separate mode or menu setting -vs- Just don’t do it !