Videos šŸ“¹

I agree the video doesnā€™t give the best views for identifying the ship. Presumably, since he no longer has it, heā€™s limited to movie footage he recorded in the past - which wasnā€™t filmed with the intention of showcasing or identifying the ship. He can only show us what he has.

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Except that No Manā€™s Sky was developed to be without an ā€œendgame.ā€

Instead, itā€™s a neverending ā€œchoose your own adventureā€ type of SciFi game with lore (not progressive storyline), hazards, and trade.


Hmmm. Just noticed the video.

Do we have our logo/decal available? Could we?


Huh? Which video? What logo?

In my reply to your video post about user-created decals, the original post is linked in the upper right.

The CSD logo was voted on a while back . I think the one chosen was blue with black portal, ā€œCitizen Science Divisionā€ around the top and ā€œETARCā€ on the bottom of the circular design. It even included the Euclid galaxyā€™s ā€œstar chain.ā€

It looks cool, neato keen, and all that. :smiley:

So I was wondering if (how?) we can get the CSD logo added as a decal. Iā€™m not much for building, but have to admit that Iā€™d love to be able to plaster the logo on or in a base somewhere.


Oh, well thatā€™s up to Hello Games. I think all the communities that they made the logos into quicksilver items were submitted by the Federation of Galactic Travelers on Reddit, which is a collection of multiple communities that banded together.

I was in that group for a short time, but they got political fast and started debating which groups should and shouldnā€™t be in the Federation, so I high-tailed it out of there.

I donā€™t know if HG have plans to add anymore player-made community logos or not.


New VIDEOS topic for the new FRONTIERS era.