Upcoming Package?

I am but one user, yet I accessed from 2 PC’s and mobile, I also uploaded 10 pics or so. I tend to agree with you.

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I thank you all for renewing my denial… 100% chance :sunglasses:


I believe you really underestimate the number of lurkers out there. :slight_smile:
10k active users might be right, but there would be far more on the mailing list imo.

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You just might be one of the lucky ones. I gave them my shipping details, but the last email from Old Gods made it seem like they were just now starting to be manufactured.

It could very well be so… But let’s dig some more…
ETARC: 1419 registered users… (With a certain advantage towards getting it, we have been told) I’d say twice as many lurkers, 4.200 give or take… Double it supposing everyone opted to the pass, 8.400… Minus people who left before getting to send the address, plus late-coming lurkers… Yeah, 10.000. Emily/Loop16/Atlas does seem to make some pretty well tuned estimates, after all!

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Tis why Emily was developed. Grown.


who would win? Emily or Atlas!


Do we know if priority is based on those designations or just being active in general?

No statement has been made with regards to which groups have which odds, or if indeed, it even matters what group you are.


it is a ranking for those whom get the passes.
i.e…chain of command
now fall in line…


Wow, there are 1419 of us here now?! How far we’ve come.


I know I logged on from like seven different devices Everytime I was near a computer I would jump on and check stuff I really hope I get one been playing sense the very first second the game went live

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I logged in on 4 different devices as well

Oh, and there were “just” 4.800 participants on the final box A-B poll… Looking good.

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There were a staggering number of participants that took part in the ARG says the output of the terminal.
Too many numbers for me to predict anything o.O

Connections received: 2,197,841
Data streamed: 10.4 terabytes
Terminal Commands Input: 1,081,936
– Total unique command: 49 797
– Top command: 207 904 WhoIs

I think it doesn’t matter wich group you are in for receiving the pass. They propably made it a bit vague about who will receive it so they have less people complaining when a package is lost in the mail.

Thanks,… damn my spam filter!

ok thats possible!

but we don´t forget the guys, who have over 10 emails registred!

hopefully the devs or arg-makers know that. it will be very interesting to know, what a package possibles can include :smiley:
however, i think the most gamers are lucky enough, that the 1.3 update is online. may things can be better too, but in moment it makes rly fun to play NMS again since 1 year of silence.

Man I just have a bad feeling about that Atlas V4 Pass… I’ve never been lucky, never won anything haha
Guess I wasn’t very usefull solving clues even if I was very passionate and almost addicted on every new move or new information that was coming out… (my wife still remembers xD)
The thing is that we have search sharp minds in the community that by the time I started to think about a new clue coming someone just found the answer already xD
I entered both of my codes to uncover the 2 pics (note sheet and atlas picture)… I sent many pics on calibration process… received the adress mail… and tried to be as more active as possible on the forum with my humble skills (:!

Let’s see if I’m lucky this time!!


I never win anything either, I don’t see how I would receive an Atlas Pass V4 even if my odds are quite good since i’ve been very active during the duration of the ARG.

Rest assured that if I do end up getting one, I will frame it and bring it at work so everyday I can look at it and have a reminder that I can win stuff from time to time.


Thank you and I wish you good luck!! !! @SlowRiot4NuZero