Twelve starships

I’m just thinking out loud here. I don’t need 12 ships. But somehow it’s hard to decide which ones to scrap, you know?
One is really tiny but fierce and it has an astromech! I can’t scrap an astromech.
Then two living ships. One feels a bit more special than the other… Can living ships even be scrapped, or just swapped? I don’t want to murder it :crying_cat_face:
Then two exotics, one squid-like and one royal…
I never use them, but they’re super rare antiques!
Then some hauler. What if, one day I need to haul something??
Then Exhibition rewards, I don’t even remember what they were good at, but I worked hard for them!!
And so on, and so on. Excuses, excuses.

So this topic is about, how do you solve this conundrum? :sweat_smile:


I have the same problem and also looking for a solution. How did we ever get by with just one ship? Look at us now :joy:

I have a useless shuttle I’ve kept and never flown since 2017 just because it’s so dinky.

When the sentinel ships became available I filled up all the new slots with three of them I liked the look of and even those were hard to pair down to just one when making room for the expedition ships.

I’ve been back on my console save which has been untouched since 2018 and I’m still attached to those ships, luckily (but also unfortunately) it still has two spare slots at the moment because I missed some expeditions during my exile from the console platforms.

Also never thought about what happens to a living ship, and I never want to think about it gain haha. Let’s hope you just let them free in a forest and drive away :see_no_evil:

I always grow just one and then stick to it.


Changed the category for this thread.
I am also having this issue. One thing I did was consider if there were parts on the ship that I really liked and then scrapped a couple for those parts which I then used on a customized ship.
However, I have a few that were with me from the start and I just cannot part with them even though I never fly them.


Happy cake day :slight_smile:


Quite a conundrum!

I felt oddly bad about parting with an old shuttle. It had pop and snap sounds at slow speeds that made me think, “this sucker needs repairs!” It kind of fit a decaying universe.


I make backups of just the ships at times. Not that I regularly change my ships around though, but at least I did not fully rid of those I once got.

There is also this mod/tool, which should make it easy to keep a collection of whatever.


Ah, I can certainly relate to this situation. :thinking:

Really wanted to custom-build a solar ship and ended up deciding to give up my Golden Vector on my main save. All of the others had more sentimental value and were actually upgraded and being flown, whereas the Vector was just kinda there. I decided well heck, if all I’m doing is looking at this thing, I’ll just grab the little model one from the QS shop and place it in my base)s). The new solar I created to fill that slot has gold accents as an homage to its predecessor. :slightly_smiling_face:

As for possible solutions...

Unless they patch it in Worlds Part 2, you may be able to use a variant of the easy ship-duping exploit that was popular with the Iron Vulture last expedition. Note: This only works on fighter, hauler, explorer, shuttle, and solar type ships.

So, hypothetically

  • From your main save, pick the ship you’re most ready to have your last hurrah with and use the normal ship copy feature when starting the next expedition. Claim it and set it as your current active ship while you are in the expedition mode “sub-save”.
  • Leave expedition mode and reload back into your main. Say your goodbyes, pull out whatever tech you want to save, and scrap the ship in question for one of its three available salvage options :saluting_face: :disappointed_relieved: Put the part you receive somewhere safe.
  • Now that you have a slot free, return to the anomaly and head to the expedition terminal. The ship you just scrapped still exists in the expedition sub-save, and if you had it selected before leaving expedition mode, it should be available to copy back into your main (may require some nanites, can’t recall exactly). Copy the ship back to your main, scrap it again, and take a different part for salvage this time.
  • Repeat the previous step to get the third part. You’ll now have three items you can store in your inventory until you’re ready to pull it out of mothballs and fabricate a new iteration of your old ship (I mean, I guess you could always just go on a wild goose chase around the galaxy looking for the exact parts randomly instead if you’re into that).
  • One important caveat is that your stats and supercharged slot positions are generated based on the system you roll your ship in, so you may need to warp around a fair bit and try a number of fabrication stations to get what you want.

Using that trick in the last expedition, I copied the Iron Vulture awarded at the end of last expedition directly into my main save without actually claiming it from the QS shop, so that option remains available should I ever need it. I wanted different colors, so I scrapped three copies and built my own. Also, fun fact for anyone who may need to hear it: the small refiner duping trick works on ship parts just like any other item :wink:

Like I said, this may get patched-out, so YMMV, but I hope that helps. Have fun!


The jank-meta for this game is ridiculous sometimes :joy:


Thanks for recording this procedure for posterity. :smiling_imp:

The day after releasing an update, the poor people at HG sit down with their cup of tea to see how players like their new features:

Expedition terminal? Dupes ships. Small harmless refinery? Dupes everything. Sitting down in Nexus? Items mysteriously fill my inventory over night. :anguished:

Gamers are horrible people, can’t leave them alone in an infinite universe for 5 minutes… :sweat_smile:


Inventory full? But how? Oh right, I went and made a sandwich while I was idle at the nexus.


What is the

I’m not sure what you are talking about.


I’m not sure as I’ve never looked into or tried duping but I think it might something along these lines


Does it work on the PS5 addition?


You know the game has a casual mode, right? You can have unlimited resources, any time you want.

The game difficulty settings can be adjusted to almost any level you like, and the developers have deliberately made it easy to edit the save file and mod the game.

This game is only as hard as you want it to be. I can’t imagine a game where there’s less point in cheating or exploits.


Yeah, can’t change to it because it disables trophy’s, unless they changed it. Only matters for playstation though.


Now you’ve truly got me. There isn’t really any meaningful competition in NMS. The only person you compete against is yourself. What’s the point in a trophy you cheated to achieve? Especially if it was yourself you cheated?


I could understand a player with lowered settings wanting to use “Achievements” as a way to track what they’ve done, but not as a “trophy.”

With the advent of variable hazard, threat, and difficulty settings, trying to compare your achievements to those of other players is kind of nonsense. Like you said, it’s not really a game of competition.


As far as I’m aware Achievements still unlock after editing saves, as they will if you alter difficulty settings. I think the only ones that wont are maybe the permadeath/survival one.

Don’t take my word for it though, a few people on the forum have more experience with save editors and should be able to answer more concretely.


Not sure. I only use save editor to stuff my pockets with raw materials because I dislike farming.
Just looked. Goatfungus has a section for milestones so you can use it or not use it.

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PlayStation has trophies instead of achievements. If you change the difficulty to creative, it will disable them, and I don’t just want everything to be free; I just want to cheat out the farming on nanites and things like that because that is boring, and it takes forever to get 100,000 of them. I don’t want to just get everything free.