Traveling to other systems w/o Warp

Wow this is an interesting topic… I didn’t read all the posts but it seems you are really really far away from all the planets by now… Having been at it for so long, I am really surprised the game hasn’t crashed on you already. I saw a YT video of a guy going into the sun and the game crashed within 30mins or so, causing space-walk crashes and making it possible to walk on the hull of neighbouring freighters that spawned in…

The way I learned it is that each system is it’s own skybox. Every point within the box has an (x,y,z) 3D coordinate assigned to it. It’s how the game knows where it should spawn you when loading a save for example. Anywhoo, these coordinates are just numbers, stored within a certain accuracy in the save file (think number of decimal places if you want to go all high-school here).

Let’s say the “middle” of the system is where the space station is at, so the coordinate of a point within the space station is (0,0,0). Since you’re so way far out, at least one of your coordinate numbers will be a huge number. Once you reach huge numbers, the accuracy of your position goes down, making it harder for the game to properly render NPCs and ships and yourself at proper positions. So stars in the background can start to jump between two positions (coordinates), NPCs are spawned inside walls (because the distance between each pair of coordinate points that the game can spawn NPCs at no longer aligns with a fine mesh of close points), and so forth.

And then, when the positioning system is off balance, everything else that depends on proper positioning and direction (such as asteroids that also have a velocity and rotation in some direction) start to fail.

In short: you are travelling toward one of the outer edges of the skybox and it’s very hard for the game to properly monitor your position there, causing “jumps” and irregluar positions of objects and NPCs.

For all the nerds out there: Did I get this right?

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  • Stars are changing placement
  • Your imagination is going wild

0 voters

I put they’re changing under the assumption you were going straight that whole time, and did not angle towards them. Because I am sure you would have said if you did, considering how well you are keeping us posted. They do look closer though.


Look at the formation on the left. There are 3 stars in different positions. The star in side the circle in figure 1 is the star I have been following

Okay then yes. I stand by my vote. Keep up the good work Doopa.


The deciding factor in if I “Go all the way” is if we get a mesurement of light-years on the odometer. I’m willing to dedicate a few weeks if it works

For how long (real world time) have you been pulse-driving in the same direction?

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Almost 10 Hours now

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It does seem as if the star you are following is closer to you than the one above it. The gap between those two looks like it has narrowed rather than gotten farther, which is the case for the other stars in view. As you get closer to them you would expect the distance between them to become more pronounced. I would assume the one you are headed toward is closing the gap with the one above it because your angle of approach is causing it to seem that way. Either way, that demonstrates your movement toward them. There is also another star, just below the light in the second pic which also seems to be nearer. Either that or it is the curvature of spacetime and you are about to disappear, travel through time, and come out in another reality…lol :scream: And no, I don’t really know what I am talking about… :upside_down_face:


Damn, 50,000,000 units traveled

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The star I’m following is 11 LY away, the others are near 70-150



I here by name this constellation, “Doopas Dipper”


Nice. I’ll try to stop by it sometime in my travels. You should make a base there so we can all go to it and drop com balls. :yum:


The planets suck, maybe in the destination system. I have yet to check those ore the ones in the Dipper it’s self. I will let you know. I’m kind of in love with the moon I started on in day 1. I leave and keep coming back lol :grin::joy:

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When was that Sean Murray interview in relation to release and updates?

500,000ks !!! The Ballista is now shooting in big squares

10,500 iron used so far


Damn dude. This thread is so interesting :yum: