The Sacrifice

Just to add to your point on lawsuits, it should also be highlighted for 2-3 years throughout development they were battling a lawsuit with Sky broadcasting network over the use of the word “Sky”. The universe was out to get them from the get go, between floods and lawsuits (not to mention that superformula guy they referenced as a study point accusing them of using his code outright about two months before launch).

Speaking of new copies not flying off the shelves, they’re practically giving away a 100+ copies of the game through mercury subroutines, it’s very clear where their intentions lie and I think anyone who accused them last year of being vapourware and just looking to bank and then abandoning the project… They clearly have major trust issues and don’t know how to read peoples true intent.

Seans only wrong doing was being overly passionate about the project and discussing ideas and things that were not yet set in stone. Sadly the internet and the world at large like to turn things into a black and white, good vs evil, red vs blue, us vs them scenario. So discussing ideas with passion suddenly becomes “lies” if those ideas dont come to fruition.

I think creative types, they understand the process, and they’re probably the ones enjoying the game the most. The majority (if you’re the minority, fuckin A brother!) of those who just passively consume art and entertainment, will never understand.


Those lawsuits ended in a big nothing… The once accusing side gets to pay for that.
Steam refunds are a different issue… Those are your potential player-base and future market.

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