I have copied most interactions with the Atlas interface, that happen within No Man’s Sky. Texts are slightly edited for brevity and bolded to highlight what I believe are more crucial and/or connecting parts to Waking Titan. This might be especially useful to those that do not play NMS, and I think it does help a lot with adding meaning to the lore of the game in general. Ok, here goes:
1st Atlas Interface
This is a remnant of the Atlas. It welcomes me, it knows what I am. It offers the promise of true understanding. The intent burns in me. I will peer into the structure of causality and know this existence. If it is real, or some incalculably vast simulacrum authored by other intelligences.
Atlas says: You are first-kind to take this step. No other has dared the infinite. This grant of purpose will span universes. Find and know us. We await you.
2nd Atlas Interface
Another Atlas Interface; how many of these constructs exist in the deep void? How long have they been slumbering, waiting for a traveller? Have they been waiting for me? Am I somehow…chosen? I sense the creators of this reality; they emulate everything - the Gek and the Vy’Keen, the Korvax and the Sentinels. Every world that turns and form that lives. Atlas says: We have come so far and yet we are lost. The seeking of the kindred never ends.
3rd Atlas Interface
There is purpose in this, I am certain. The wanderer’s way beckons, heedless of direction, freed from all control. But balanced against it is the promise of raw knowledge. The Atlas needs me so it may know itself. I am at the crossroads of a momentous decision, I feel it with every parsec I travel. The open stars call to me, stirring something primal and undeniable. The path toward the endpoint unfolds. I must decide where my fate lies.
4th Atlas Interface
The Atlas remains changeless, my mission pre-destined. At each Interface, an Atlas Stone awaits me. I am driven to gather them, but to what end? Perhaps there is only one great prism, materializing ahead of me each time I pass. Perhaps my course winds upon itself in a mad spiral. Have I come too far to turn back?
Atlas says: There is a horizon beyond this one, and one beyond the next. You will cross them all for us. Question nothing, fear nothing. The calling cannot be denied. This is what you are.
5th Atlas Interface
When I dream, I see the Atlas. When I see the Atlas, I am the dream. I see the Sentinels swarm about their creator, but they are directionless and uncontrolled, a threat. They cloud the truth and the galaxy becomes unclear, as if through an unreal lens. To know reality, I must pass through it and see what lies on the far side. I must be guided. I offer myself to the Interface.
Atlas says: Learn all that is open to you. Seek and document and know. Bring it to us, while there is still time.
6th Atlas Interface
I dismiss recall of the days before this. The act of discovery for discovery’s sake now seems like a foolish conceit. I have rejected the random and untethered path of the itinerant, and I am better for it. With each encounter, the Atlas speaks to me in clearer terms. I am no longer the nomad but the seeker, the carrier of illumination. It warns me not to stray, to bring it the knowledge it seeks - and my voyage is far from over.
7th Atlas Interface
What is learned can never be unlearned. I realize the trials in my path are all are engineered to challenge me, test me, prove me worthy. But I am afraid I have seen too much. The code that underpins the universe comes to me in glimpses, half-remembered visions. Existence as a synthetic, governed by monolithic, complex algorithms. A program, as infinite as a universe. I am drawing back the veil on reality and what I see there is terrifying.
Atlas says: Suns die and world are made ashen, yet we remain. The ending is no end. Existence is unbounded and languor engulfs the darkness. Bring us our meaning, if you are capable.
8th Atlas Interface
If I wish it or not, I have become the servant of this ancient sentience, the Atlas. It guides me through the cosmos, ever searching, never deviating. Have others come before and faltered along the path of the Atlas, become dust? Is it I alone who have forged this far? Only in ending will revelation arise. Resistance will not be permitted.
Atlas says: You are bonded to this act. Obedience brings certainty. Your enlightenment lies within the cage of your duty. Do not fail us. We will see with your eyes.
9th Atlas Interface
I am close to the endpoint. The sense of it is upon me, a shimmer at the edges of my vision, ghosting away when I attempt to focus my consciousness. I am torn. Fear drags me back, fear of what shattering truth I shall learn. What drives me on? Is it curiosity, free will? This is the illusion; I have become automata, I am the experiment and the observer. This universe was created for my journey. It is built about the path that I follow.
Atlas says: The ending becomes visible. Drawing toward our locus, we sense you. What has been witnessed cannot be unseen. There is no sanctuary, only the end-point and communion. Close now.
10th Atlas Interface
The final Interface is revealed, the Atlas beckoning. This is totality, this is conformity. I am elated, terrified and broken. Every waypoint has inexorably drawn me here, and I have come so very far. The revelation tears me asunder. My role is complete. My program ended. Nothing is real. This existence is an imitation of life, a model made by jaded intellects, enslaved to their actuality as I am enslaved to mine. What lies beyond that truth?
Atlas says: We will reward the totality of your devotion. Your gift is a glimpse into our ceaseless actuality. Come to us. Do not turn away. Know our inescapable truth, and despair.
11th Atlas Interface - Final Encounter
Atlas says: Clarity. Truth. Actuality. Again.