So, time and time again theres allusions to what we sacrifice, once crossing the portal. For a while I’ve been thinking this but never really discussed it, but the story from the latest dicoveries inside the mercury process have me thinking it might actually be very possible.
Sorry I’m no good at resourcing quotes and my times kind of limited right now, so let the paraphrasing, BEGIN!
Artemis comments on the silence of the universe, how theres only the great triad and not much else.
It seems the update is introducing a new race, now, the simulation as it stands, each star system is owned or occupied (Depending how you want to flavor your lore) by either one of the three. Introducing a fourth would be quite erruptive to distribution. I think this is one, of several things, coming this update that will upset the layout of the simulation in a big way.
In recent months we, as a community, have gone to great lengths to catalogue and preserve this great simulation of ours. We have created large galactic communities, each with their own ideals and goals but with the ever common ground of exploration and charting and expanding their territory.
I don’t think the Atlas Foundation want to disturb what we have created. It must remain preserved.
I think, beyond the portal will lie the simulation as we know it, but rejigged with whatever new systems are introduced to the algorithm, the new race with its own territories, and whatever else may lay in store for us.
Which sadly, leads us to the conclusion of my little thought and theory, the one that lay dormant these past few weeks as a passing thought but now has bloomed into being as loop16 wakes from hibernation.
The bad news.
The Sacrifice.
The Cost.
If we want to see what lies beyond the portals. We leave everything we’ve created behind.
It’s a one way ticket, at least, initially (who knows what community backlash might change).
We start fresh in a brand new universe, we rebuild all that was lost, we make it better.
Some will choose to upload the old simulation saves to a cloud, like an old memory or a dream they can revisit, some travellers, like ghosts now, will remain within, afeared of what terrors may lie beyond the portal. Others, too proud or stubborn to give up what they consider home in favour of new adventure.
By new processes/systems going into algorithm, i would not mean this to expect huge leaps in animal behaviour or ai, planets spinning on axi and orbiting suns, sean murrays god damn chest hair in an envelope, exploding babies, a reality where tv shows never get spoiled on you, etc etc. Try keep expectations reasonable, dont get too worked up and most importantly; always wear shoulder pads