I was going to make an Old Travellers, New Tricks post about how the Nutrient Ingestor can be useful but after trying a few different food types, I can see it is not something to be scoffed at, you can get incredible boosts from food so it seems like it’s going to be one of those things we’ll be sharing our findings with, which I think warrants it’s own thread of discussion.
In short, the Nutrient Ingestor is not to be scoffed at or overlooked.
It also seems to come in handy depending on contextual situation, e.g the food you get from killing fish gives you a huge boost to breathing underwater once placed in the nutrient processor; taking out some fish quick and putting them in your reverse colostomy bag could make all the difference between surviving or drowning in that moment.
I only had fishing lure items on hand to test, but with ice cream I got frost protection, meat stew gave sprint recovery, basic fish bits gave breathing enhancements and my favourite so far…
The solidified grease pie greased up my jetpacks something fierce!!
The longevity of the effect depends on the stack size of the food.
Herbal Crunchies give an additional 4,474 % boost to Flora Scanning 
I even suck at cooking in a game
This is worse than burning tea water
Also it tasted horrible
I was using the grill on the fishing boat. It started blinking like it was low on power. When I had input 2 fish, it only gave me one output, and the second output flickered in and out of existence. Sometimes I could grab it a bit later and more often not. Also I am not sure whether it was the correct output I got, maybe some broken second outputs piled up in the grill and came out later?
Thanks for posting this. I thought it would simply keep your “life support” gauge full. I will now have to make a dedicated Solidified Grease Pie manufacturing base.
I haven’t used the grill yet but generally you put raw ingredients in by themselves to make new ingredients, and then you mix those new ingredients together to make more ingredients and/or a finished meal.
I don’t recall things burning in the base cooker, it’s much like the refiner, you can collect the output whenever.
The grill might behave differently though, I must check it out 
@Licoricemint no prob, I’ll be sure to post anything else with good buffs when I find it
Edit: @AdaRynin your screen looked unfamiliar to me so I thought the storage hopper was something to do with the grills cooking menu.
After using it myself I rechecked your screenshot and looked into it.
Seems to be a bug that’s been around, happens with refiners too
Definitely a bug.
I clicked quickly to transfer the flickering grill outputs to my exosuit inventory, sometimes I got a fish, mostly I got nothing, and once, it added this broken slot to my suit, named “finished dish”. I can transfer this slot elsewhere, but that sounds like an even worse idea. 
I was preparing stuff for the food ingestor. Is there any pattern? E.g. I made chocolate from beans:
When I ate it directly, it increased hazard protection, but in the ingestor it said… I forgot, something completely different. Is that intended?
Yup, the Ingestor has radically different results compared to just eating for a lot of the items, boosts to scanning, boosts to various jetpack components etc
The ingester seems to work ok on raw foods like Pulpy Roots.
So now we’re basically cooking for Telamon… 
I just used the grill and it is definitely buggy.
I put 5 fish in each slot and started cooking.
I took the results out and then put in stacks of 20 fish in each slot. As I placed the third slot they all disappeared before I pressed cook.
Then the previous set of 5 I’d cooked reappeared with the finished dish output again.
I was able to return these to exosuit, only for the second set I placed in to reapper.
Before I could place those back in inventory, the previous set reappeared again. I tried to activate cooking when the large stack set appeared again but it stopped cooking in a few short seconds when the input reverted again .
It makes a pretty glow for night time fishing though, that first time it worked.
Resummoning did not fix it.
Oh and I discovered after that all those fish I pulled were getting duped. So now I have 100 of some fish types 

I’m hoping to find a food type for the Nutrient Ingestor that gives a boost to fishing on top of the lure boost. That would be very welcomed 
Hah, so my bug is reproducible!
remember to report it on HG’s help center page.
Submit a request – Hello Games
I used to do that religiously in the first 2 years or so , with screenshots and everything – and all my zendesk tickets were still unread/open years later.
Even the ones that have been fixed yeeeeears later are still untouched. I assumed it wasn’t in active use and stopped. 
I get responses every now and then for files. This update, I reported a softlock which they asked for some more info.
It can be very discouraging to report issues, but Hello Games do read all reports! They rarely respond though, neither do they make full proper use of what the Zendesk platform has to offer. Somewhat understandable for a small team, even though we’d love to see it different.