Stranded On Water (& Elsewhere)

I’ve got a question regarding the new, deep water worlds:…
Say I have a newly ‘built’ ship.
Only basic gear & Aqua Jets.

What happens if I run out of launch fuel while parked in the middle of an ocean?

There’s no dyhydrogen in the depths…
Access to iron may be impossible…
Unless I have the makings of launch fuel or Uranium in my pocket, wouldn’t I be effectively stranded if I don’t have the self-recharging launch equipment?

Do we have a back up for this circumstance?
Do the Aqua Jets automatically secretly recharge over time?

I’m a little concerned…


Tritium refines into dihydrogen if you’re really stuck, but if you’ve no tritium you’re more likely to find dihydrogen on a water planet than feckin tritium.

Better build that solar recharger for the launch thrusters asap just to be safe. Or am I thinking of the exocraft solar recharger?

I’m also certain I’ve gotten dihydrogen from secondary sources of underwater flora/minerals.

With all the new fish about, maybe they can add a biofuel reactor upgrade for our ships :stuck_out_tongue:


Most stuff refines into ferite dust so canibalising your ship/suit & using a backpack refiner should solve that…

The wiki does outline some combo refining if you have the better backpack refiner to possibly create Uranium. This would still rely on what tech you could canibalise & how efficient your ship is to launch… IF you can, that is.

Dyhydrogen would be hard though in really deep water.

I am wondering what happens if you dismantle the water jets while ‘parked’ if your ship will just auto-launch away from the surface… or if you can even do that…???:thinking:

If I come up with a solution I’ll edit this post…




Checking back in on Mad-Hatter a few months from now…


The bored & annoyed family members in the background is surprisingly acurate :smile:


I went to a deep planet and found dhydrogen as the secondary of one of the inorganic corals. Cytophosphate refines to the condensed carbon. There are quartzite deposits so we can refine the chromatic metal. Kelp-sac refines to oxygen, and one of the shell shapes gave 13 ferrite. I did have to survive at depth and contend with a lot of ghostly jellies though. Edit: I was building the wrong thing, I could build launch fuel and a warp cell from what I found.


Sounds dangerous if you didn’t have deep water gear. I guess you could always just go crazy foraging, die & then retrieve your grave… provided you have the settings set to do so.
Not a solution in extra hard/ survival or permadeath settings.

I believe there is/ was an exploit: where refining 30 dyhydrogen into jelly & then refining the jelly back to dyhydrogen gives 40, meaning once you had enough, you could make a launch fuel slightly easier.

I think I might make this a ‘mission’ to test.
Set up some safety parameters so I dont nerf myself into oblivion & then go & purposely strand myself & see if I can then self-rescue my silly ass. :laughing:


That exploit still exists, but it has been nerfed into an ‘emergency use only’ thing. I don’t remember which direction, but one of the refining operations now takes close to ten minutes.

I have to say that I always have uranium. Since the ship inventory, no matter how far away, can provide recharge for suit equipment, I just reserve four cargo slots for dioxite/uranium/phosphorus/ammonia and keep them topped up so I never run out of environmental protection. Uranium doubling as launch fuel is a bonus.


A song was playing while reading the latest posts to this thread and while the song doesn’t fit thematically, this line certainly stood out

You thought that you could test the waters
Droppin’ the atom bomb,
well, now the water’s turnin’ Red
And all the fish are dead
Floatin’ around my head

Best of luck, don’t drop any nukes, or break any hearts :wink:


Not sure if anyone played Elite Dangerous, but its really easy to fly off and explore the galaxy only to find that you’ve run out of fuel and the star system your in has no fuel sources so your 100% stranded.

But the player community formed a cool crew called the “Fuel Rats” that you can call and they’ll go out to find you and give you fuel, free of charge. And they are pretty quick to rescue you too. They even have a website. :smile:

NMS doesnt have a “Fuel Rats” crew, but you could always post on a forum your coordinates and someone would be willing to warp out to you and give you uranium.


Have certainly seen a few Reddit rescues in no mans sky over the years, certainly in the old days when it seemed more likely just after Next arrived and completely changed the resources that littered the simverse


I ran a few rescues way back when


Well established save with most suit tech.
Left all uranium & launch fuel ingredients on freighter in different system.

Landed on deep water world out of reach of my small teleporter base using a scrap ship with no improved tech: just the bare bones basics.
Repeatedly landed until I ran out of fuel.

Was able to dive down into darkness, scan & harvest random ingredients (including ferrite dust & dyhydrogen) surface, craft fuel & leave.

Noted that most Movement module tech could have been cannibalised to get dyhydrogen & dismantaling nearly all other tech could get me ferrite dust via refining the materials.

In all, not much of an issue & most times a save of this experience probably has other options for self rescue.



Same bare bones scrap ship as previous but this time I removed the deep water membrane & underwater modules & also reduced my life support modules.
Set my suit up more along the lines of a newer, less experienced player.
I did leave the biome shielding just for simplicity since that wasnt what I was focussing on.

Did the same repeat landing until out of fuel & for a bit of realism, landed at a drowned starship I’d marked earlier.

Because I’d already tested this once, I didn’t need to scan which was very good because the 400+ depth kicked my butt pretty quickly. Went through quite a bit of oxygen but also was acquiring oxygen as I foraged.
Jellyfish beat me up & despite hiding in the little underwater shelter thingy, they got me through the opening & I died.
This broke some suit tech.

Respawned on the surface & headed down to retrieve my grave goods & forage for more ferrite dust. More jellyfish came & murdered me midway through my ascent while I paused to adjust my (damaged) life support.
Tried to fight them but there were too many & my damaged suit was too weak.
This broke even more suit tech.

Respawned a 2nd time & on this occasion I was able to reach my grave & return to my crippled ship, made fuel & launched.

About half my suit tech was wrecked & even after accessing my frighter & well-stocked storage vaults,
I wasn’t fully able to fix everything. Resorted to using Emergency repair kits.

Had this been on harder settings this may have proved impossible to escape from. I absolutely needed to access my grave goods to pull this off as I don’t think I could have done a fourth dive to repeat the process.
Admittedly, stripping my suit tech & using the refiner would be simpler but I tried to run this as if I was dependant on the environment only.

What have I learned from this?
Always carry enough fuel stuff on you & never land on a waterworld if you don’t. You may never leave.

Now I had options such as calling a different ship, calling the Nautalin, calling my freighter & remote accessing its storage and I suppose at a pinch, I could enable multiplayer, join a game & escape that way… however my final verdict is:

A new player with minimal tech in a crappy ship could possibly get stranded indefinately on a deep water planet.

Was good fun experimenting.


A similar situation to beware of (wot happened to me):

If you fly a sentinel ship in a regular, non-dissonant system, you can find yourself in similar trouble.

Flying my sentinel ship in a regular system, my ship bacame damaged. We’ll say I was attacked by pirates, (although in this case I think my ship was struck by lightning) - I can’t honestly remember, and it doesn’t matter. My ship was damaged.

The damage knocked out my pulse engine - and despite still having functional launch jets, the ship wouldn’t work without one. You can get by without a hyperdrive, but not without a pulse engine.

Trouble is, to repair the pulse engine on a sentinel ship, you need an inverted mirror.

Inverted mirrors are readily available in dissonant systems - but not in regular systems. If you don’t have one with you, you have to fly to a dissonant system to get one.

Except you can’t fly to a dissonant system, because your engine is bust, and your ship won’t go.

And your ship won’t go because you need an inverted mirror, which you can only get from a dissonant system…


So if you were in an uncharted system you could possibly be unable to even locate a wreck to fix.
Bit scary…
Can you strip any ship tech to cobble it together?

So your only recourse would be to build a base & teleport out… provided you can power it?

Or as has been noted before, resort to multiplayer.


Even in an uncharted system you should be able to scrounge up the makings for a biofuel generator. My first thought for the harder part was the chromatic metal for the base computer, if you didn’t have it…but there’s surely some ship or suit tech you can scrap to get that.

Come to think of it, the solution to all problems of being stranded is to build a base computer, a biofuel generator, and a storage unit that has the right stuff in it. I’d have to test, but I’m pretty sure all those things even work underwater.


I applaud your will to survive.
At this point, I would accept my fate .
Which makes me wonder, does anyone else ever see our grave marker if we just leave it there?


I’ve wondered about that. I’ve had to abandon a few, either because it was too hazardous to reach them, or because I couldn’t find them.

And then there’s the situation where you land you ship, disembark onto the planet, and someone IRL knocks on your door, or phones you.

20 minutes later you come back to the game, get back in your ship, and fly away. It’s only when you try to access your inventory and find it empty that you realise you died on the planet back there - and I can never find the place again.