I wonder if that Quantum upgrade size 4 is for the people that got an Atlas Pass V4?
By the data gathered… Those got stucked at around a 25%, didn’t they?
I know I didn’t get one… But the numbers never really spiked from that…
As a new user there are some limitations in place. Reaching the next ‘trust level’ should not be too hard if you stick around. For more detailed info see below:
I’m no crypto expert either … but if the code commences with A-5 then V has to be 26 & W has to be 1
I am looking at the code.
Did anyone notice that the letters goes from A B C D E F.
And number are 4 1 4 9 6 2 2 7 1 6 6 0 8 9 1 5 0 2.
code 5?
crazy… ho many procedures were tested yet? Hexadecimal doesn’t work.
Coordinates? How did someone found out coordinates ?
Frankly I wouldn’t rely on that data as super accurate or as any representation of how many passes were shipped…loads of people probably just didn’t bother or don’t know about it…the fans truly active across all social media platforms aren’t that many…a few hundred here and a few hundred there at most.
Peaceful Gamer on Twitter has it translated to coordinates using Hex and they point to a location in China… could be coincidence but could also be a China live drop or something!
Thanks taking the time posting the 2 versions @Polyphemus
Indeed nothing changed
@Polyphemus I agree that the code, if grouped to represent 8-bit binary, does not seem to fit any ascii representation. The string would then be 16 byte (128-bit), which could represent quite a few things, like a hash or a cryptographic key.
I do wonder why they have not been grouped and are shown spaced out.
@Sundagger The ‘Satellite launch windows’ shown are interesting, with 3 days being quite soon. However, what is shown there is static, so next week it would still show the same, even though the first launch window would by then have passed. This personally makes me believe to not be all that significant.
@Kimikazi What you are showing in the image would be both a letter-number cipher and a Caesar cipher or a shift cipher. However, due to the initial limitation of what appears to be Hex, the full alphabet would not be available. You would only be able to end up with 16 letters total (0-9 + A-F). Of course you could apply a shift, but this limitation would remain.
@LPlaysGaming I have seen the code used in different ways, as search on a variety of maps. Sure enough this can have some interesting results, like pointing to a location right in the middle of China. However, keep in mind you would first have to understand the map search engine, before being able to actually consider any result valid.
I feel we are not ready to actually do something with the sequence/code. After all this waiting, it would just feel odd to right away jump into a puzzle that requires solving. Seems more likely to ‘wake us up’ first, by having something happen before going into full gear. What we have been shown on both the WT site and Myriad-70 seems to fit this in my opinion.
I agree, my view is we need more clues to unlock the code and they haven’t given us them yet
you’ve confused me now … I’m no cypher wizard, I’m just saying what I see lol … so yeah I’m probably way of the mark but the letters-numbers do match up
So, as there are spaces between each letter/number i tried to insert the “mirrored” sequence (E2 B0 and even 2E 0B… in case) and that gives nothing.
I tried the same opération but with a -5 for the same result.
A least for a possible hex to ASCII
If someone want to play with the -5 string and it’s mirrored:
9 6 F 7 C F 5 4 7 1 D D 8 A 2 C 1 1 A 6 9 B 8 8 3 4 C 0 8 6 B D
D B 6 8 0 C 4 3 8 8 B 9 6 A 1 1 C 2 A 8 D D 1 7 4 5 F C 7 F 6 9
I actually did the numbers to letters as well, just to see what it would look like. Just wanted to explain that the result would always be a limited range of letters. I am certainly not trying to say this can not lead anywhere.
E B 4 C 1 4 A 9 C 6 2 2 D F 7 1 6 6 F B E 0 D D 8 9 1 5 D B 0 2
14 11 4 12 1 4 10 9 12 6 2 2 13 15 7 1 6 6 15 11 14 0 13 13 8 9 1 5 13 11 0 2
O L E M B E K J M G C C N P H B G G P L O A N N I J B F N L A C (A=0)
N K D L A D J I L F B B M O G A F F O K N 0 M M H I A E M K 0 B (A=1)
When applying all possible shifts (Caesar Cipher) to the resulting sequence for A=0, none of the results make sense. Of course any result, will still have a limited range of 16 letters, just shifted.
Lets apply ROT13:
Then translate to English (Google ← bad idea, I know):
should we add the numbers 319 somewhere? As well as code 5?
Le Petit Prince, which sounds familiar. Appears to be known already. Maybe they forgot to remove some of the ‘hidden’ pages?
so a “Little Prince” qoute? Also there is the roman numerals XXVII i.e. 27.
and the blog saying Nothing Found Here!
ah, okay.
Or, is the little prince and the monarch needing protection referring to the same thing?
30 of march? - 4 days?