Stuff is happening (STATUS updates-Myriad-W/ARE-NEXT)

The fact that NOTHING comes up during all sorts of decryptions leads me to think you are right.
It looks to be a carefully chosen sequence that has ZERO usability before a 2nd component is added.
The spaces between each letter look to be intentional and may mean something…


Very exciting! I am glad the Titan is waking.

As for the message to the CSD, in what way do you think we need to organize further? We seem to have CSD members on the forum at all times. Besides coding and computer knowledge, what other specific skill sets will be needed?

(I have a decent depth with Chemistry and Biology if it helps…)


Well damn, i did not know this. One birthday in April and another in June.


Alaska is area code 907, and that would be in Haines, AK. But I do not recommend a cold-call and flood some poor soul if this is not a phone number

Just out of curiosity, I decided to add the numbers and subtracted the letters by their corresponding numbers, that came up with 17 after -5. I also decided to do the same where I just added, I got the number 119. Don’t know if either of these are significant, but thought I’d give it a shot.

There are 32 digits in the sequence.

E B 4 C 1 4 A 9 C 6 2 2 D F 7 1 6 6 F B E 0 D D 8 9 1 5 D B 0 2

In hex, these individual digits can only express numbers up to 16. Whilst it’s possible to write a comprehensible message using just over half of the alphabet, I think it’s unlikely. It’s more probable that the numbers are intended to be used in pairs.

If we group them into sequential pairs, as has happened before in these puzzles, we get 16 pairs.

EB 4C 14 A9 C6 22 DF 71 66 FB E0 DD 89 15 DB 02

In decimal, that’s

235, 76, 26, 169, 198, 34, 223, 113, 102, 251, 224, 221, 137, 21, 219, 2

That’s a spread of numbers from 2 to 251. It doesn’t fit the ASCII table, or any known alphabet. It could, perhaps, represent a pictorial script like Chinese, where each character represents a word, rather than a sound - but then 251 is probably far too few.

The spread of numbers does, however, fit very well with 8 bit binary - which can express numbers from 0 to 256.


I don’t understand where it is. The windows shows “there’s no result for eb:4c:14:a9:c6:22:df:71:66:fb:eo:dd:89:15:db:02”

So the map just point to where you live.

As a newby here… is the corrupt satellite launch date meaningful? “3 days: clear” 28th, just before easter? And “30 da[corrupt]” well that is 30 days clear or not clear… either way 24th April? Anything happening then?

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Isn’t one of the clues something about mirrors? What if you set a list of 8 bit binary numbers and reverse the bit order on each of them. See if anything comes up. Just a random thought…

Well I know around March 31 to April 2 there is that Chinese satellite that is supposed to de orbit, not sure if that fits into what you said or not. I’m also not sure if that has been said before.


Has anyone tried to put the sequence as seed of a ship/multitool in save editor on pc?


Caesars cypher? :thinking:


the code -5 would put your decryption back one extra space though wouldn’t it?
v=1 w=2…
not anything near a crypto expert just trying to understand the arg.

I’m now seeing two lines of code. Anyone?

Just you, as far as I know

Nevermind lol. It was two lines due to the fact I was on my phone. I’m not dying for new intel or anything…

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That’s only because you’re looking at it on a mobile screen…you’re not seeing anything different from us you’re just seeing less of it as your screen actually cuts off the last two numbers of that code which are 02. It looks like the website isn’t formatted to be compatible with mobile properly.


Mobiles can work okay in landscape only… some have to have the browser set to ‘desktop mode’ to avoid the ‘device invalid’ warning also. :blush:

On 26 March, 2018 at 05:25 UTC an event occurred. The Myriad site came online featuring indications of a solar event interfering with operations.

Where are you hiding that NZT stash!? I went to sleep for a year, while you got a quantum upgrade?

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