Can’t help but think the code -5 means decode it with one of the original cypher passwords by replacing the letters/numbers with a substitute letter/number after moving back 5? whatever it it is, we did ask Hello games to say Hello! and they have with a pending headache gotr to be careful what you wish for
The last ARG session ended with Emily taking over the world’s most significant supercomputers. As far as I remember, the last to fall under her control were the three in China.
Internal memos from the end of the last phase suggest that Atlas staff were actively trying to shut Emily down.
In the 2017 Myriad status report, speed averages were only measured in Manhattan, London, and Tokyo. Speeds were in the region of 1 Tb/sec.
In the 2018 status report, Beijing has been added, and is reporting speeds exceeding 24 Tb/sec. Manhattan, London, and Tokyo remain much as they were.
This suggests to me that Emily may have concentrated her presence in China, where Atlas engineers can’t physically get to her.
all I did was take the code from wt & place it above the code that L plays gaming posted on his Twitter (I don’t know where he got the second code from) but the numbers correspond … starting with A-5 … B-6 … C-7 & so on … look at my scribble & hopefully you’ll be able to make sense of what I’m saying lol
The status page appeared yesterday 25th… so 3 days would be 27th or 28th depending on when you count from and 30 days would be between 24th and 26th April depending on how the count it ended (start of day/end of day)
Sounds plausible.
any news for the code?
I think the “Code -5” is a red herring. I think it’s intended to be a system error code for “System Locked”.
Remember, the sequence started with “Code -3 Unable to Restart”.
On 26 March, 2018 at 05:25 UTC an event occurred. The Myriad site came online featuring indications of a solar event interfering with operations.
So maybe this is a story to cover up what is really going on? Just thought it was interesting rhat gamesdetective put this up.
Well, there was a fairly large solar event recently and there is the chinese Tiangong-1 space station coming down in the next week or so.
Probably unlikely but perhaps they decided to blend a bit of real life and fiction together to spice up Waking Titan…?
“Gather maximum EXTERNAL intel”
e b 4 c 1 4 a 9 c 6 2 2 d f 7 1 6 6 f b e 0 d d 8 9 1 5 d b 0 2
So if you take the code and you put aside every 5th character you get (IF YOU ARE WONDERING WHY FIFTH LOOK AT THE STATUS COMMAND ON WAKING TITAN). 167b8b. That’s 4 unique numbers and 1 unique letter. 1/4. Meaning first of April allegedly the date of the Chinese satellite drop. Also the satellites name is tiangong which means Celestial Palace. Could this be related to the phrase protect the majesty. Palace and majesty?? Also the whole satellite things corresponds to the myriad-70 stuff, as it is a data company that is having errors because the satelittle is coming down???
should we try to type in those words or phrases into the WT website to see what we get?
Where are we at as of this past weekend?
I have tried a lot of things, can’t seem to get any where. My guess is if you read my comment above that we will get a clue after the Chinese satellite drops to earth.
Agree. Maybe Palace or Majesty refers to the place that the satellite is dropping at?
Also, if you look at the Myriad contact page, look at the google maps pin, is there any place of significance there in real life? Surely not just a random location pin.
Did you notice that the road close to that location is extraterrestrial highway ?
Area 51
Can someone please tell me where and how we are connecting the myriad-70 website with waking Titan. Did Shawn tweet it or something. Similiarily where do we get the phrase protect the monarch from.
There are a number of websites which were created by Alice and Smith for the previous section of the ARG. Myriad is one of them. Check out:
“Protect the Monarch” appeared briefly on the website. If you look at the video posted by @DarkbyDesign earlier in this thread, it’s explained.
Myriad has been present in the ARG since phase 1 of the ARG.
Ahhhhh. I see. Thanks
Does anybody know of a predicted solar event that will happen soon? I think that has something to do with the “downed satellite” real or fake.
Game Detectives mentioned a solar event that the Myriad website referred to