Stuff is happening (STATUS updates-Myriad-W/ARE-NEXT)

More and more it seems like VR will be in this update!

Man… I guess i’ll have to buy a VR headset :yum:


Well, technically we did have a live drop and a glyph was solved, back in January. But if the game is getting a big multiplayer update, it makes sense for HG to put out a public beta stress test first as many games do. That could be what we get tomorrow. The ARG might continue in-game or partially in-game from there, leading up to the full 1.5 release.


Great way to say helllo with this update thing. hope arg continues ingame :slight_smile: excited

It would be nice if from here on out we could solve puzzles IRL and things would change in game. It doesn’t always have to be a big update. Even if it were just a little change at times it would still be pretty great.


Saw this mentioned someplace else before but figured I’d post it here:

In 2014 they had a VR demo ready (almost ready).

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Absolutely. Reading WT, it would appear that it would drop tomorrow but that just seems too easy…lol.


True. Even with that little bit a few months back, the ARG Seems light on content.

I would love an in-game ARG, that would be ridiculously cool.


I doubt WT would use the " 1.5 " term if an update wasn’t impending. The rest of WT has stretched over months previously so I’d expect it to continue regardless of an update.
I’m doing backups and ensuring my 660 hr save is safe from another cataclysmic overhaul. I don’t think they’d reset the universe again, going from what I’ve heard but you never know.
The boy scout motto “be prepared” comes to mind…


In an old interview (can’t remember which one) Sean was asked about his thoughts on VR and he said that he thought VR content should be tailored, and not just “the game, but in VR”. So I’ve always imagined that if NMS had VR it would be a separate mode. Probably something non-interactive where you can go floating around on planets your friends send you, their bases, etc.

In NMS’s current state it’s not anywhere near optimized enough to run PSVR on the stock PS4 though, so unless they’ve revamped their engine, I think it’s kind of unlikely.

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Just noticed that March was the anniversary of the Pathfinder update.
HG do like their anniversaries…

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Or tomorrow they drop the patch notes (like they always did before) full of contents, almost impossible to believe, then Sunday (the 1th of April) they announce it was an April fool, then Monday they release the said patch note ! But it would make more sense that they drop the patch note tomorrow, then the update later tomorrow or Friday for the long weekend…

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As much as I don’t want to lose my save, I really hope that they improved planets in this update. The reason I bought this game, was so I could explore planets. Unique and interesting planets. It’s been almost two years, this game needs better planets. Now, if HG doesn’t improve planets, I wont be mad. I know they work hard, trying to please the community, and I will accept anything they offer with open arms.


Even if they just add more variety, I’ll be content.
I don’t mind if they do a reset though. Its all good fun.


Totally agree. No new features just more variety of what we already have and I’d still be a happy camper.


Personally I think its waaay too early for an update. I see no reason to expect one before the end of this phase of the ARG. Considering we haven’t even seen a glyph unlock yet, I’m guessing that’s a ways out still.

People may have forgotten by now, but there was no conclusive evidence that the “whatis1.5” reference has anything to do with an update. That was completely speculative. I still don’t know where that rumor even came from. Why are they skipping 1.4?

As much as I want an update, let’s keep the hype train at the station guys.


By the phrase chosen in the tweet, ‘the cause is hidden , the effect is visible to all’ makes me think that whatever is coming, it will be a big difference. We will know it when we see it. But what do I know? I will have to be up before 5am to find out! :tada: So excited!


If they do drop an update for NMS tomorrow, there could be something in the game we see “the effect”. And we might not be able to understand “the cause” of what we see till we figure out more with WT.
Then when I take off my tinfoil hat I start to think its going to be a WT update only. :rofl:


I’m with sheralmst, it may or not be an update but what ever it is will be big. Could be big update or big arg drop who really knows but… why use 1.5 an then set a drop time, that’s setting people up for disappointment if it’s anything less. I believe an this is my own opinion, that it will be an update of sorts an that the community will need to use the game to finish the arg. Alot of people wanted that in the first phase an I think that’s a real possibility all I know is I will be following this arg to the end just because of the shear complexity that has gone into it “impressive”


Yea, even with my tinfoil hat off I’m kinda thinking the same lol

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Wow, a lot has happened since I went to sleep… and that was less than 6 hours ago :confused: