Or perhaps this is related to a memory leak, in which the freighter itself fails to forget the positioning of crashed starships on landing bays (or pads) — Or somewhere in the code a developer gave freighters the ability to remember more than they should — Or remember inaccurately under certain circumstances — Or just the ability to simply not forget what was once contained or positioned.
But @Mad-Hatter says he never owned a crashed starship in his Permadeath (PS4), and yet there are flames.
Or then… Perhaps we’re beyond the realm of crashed ships and into the realm of freighters… Entirely ?
And then we have the issue of this “appearing to” cross into other game-saves & modes…
Or could it be that it’s just a freighter bug — Perhaps related to the portion of code relating to the portion of the Main Menu &/or “user details” that is carried across game saves, and likewise modes?
Example: Presently…
Under Menu > Catelouge, I see that “Cooking Products” are carried across game-saves & modes.