Seychelles message just came online

The Vancouver to NY flight was how we received the first physical drop on June 8th. The footer you mention is actually a link to a youtube music video - Bowie i believe. Could also be a password I guess.

ah thanks!

What was shown in the image in the 75d56807-39b0-42e2-9643-eef45358fb0e pdf document, is an image of an antique, likely 18th century, leather, embossed and hand painted, book cover, which was made in Italy. I think this was supposed to reference the ‘Place des Vosges’ antique shop that used to be on 816 Broadway.

Here are some images of an almost identical leather book cover I found:

Fun fact about Caffe Bene when looking at it using Google Maps (street view). When on the middle of Broadway, it shows Caffe Bene, but when going a step closer, it shows the Antique shop that used to be there.

I do however wonder if Discord user ‘nikel’, actually received the message together with the book cover shown as attachment.


Nice find!