Agreed. But unlike most MMOs, NMS has a near infinite number of dragons.
If a player claims and names a planet, or if a player builds a base. then moves on and abandons it, we don’t see those remnants as a problem. In fact, they actually become part of the evolving internal history of the game. Everything we do leaves persistent traces.
If there were only a limited number of settlements available, it would make sense for them to be recycled. But there are billions and billions…
Hmm, is it normal to have two builidng sites running at the same time?
My last decision was between starship port and market, since I have two landing pads and one market already, I chose a second market and supplied the materials.
Today when I arrived, I got the message that a new building site was available. The marker that usually guides me to the current cosntruction site no longer showed, but I remembered where it was and the control panel was asking for the final materials for the second market, which I supplied.
Then the overseer’s office asked me the same question again, stairship port or market. So I said market again and it started building a third one. I don’t expect it to be a problem since it can finish the second market before asking me for materials for the third one next time. But yeah, what is it with my settlement’s sudden obsession with markets and space ports?
After one of the patches I also began to have multiple buildings progressing at once. Seems to work fine and continues to happen. Perhaps this is HGs way of speeding things up a bit for those who disliked the slow pace.
I have been decorating my settlement. So far, it has not created any issues.
My Office
My base is nearby but an strange thing did happen because I think I am actually building outside of my base area. I stretched out and built past it and then later, when I wanted to build again, I found that I could build anywhere within the settlement…as some here know, I am always willing to run a risk for the sake of research. I can always…START OVER…
Difficult to say. It happened to me once. I had some sort of power plant under construction, and while it was still being built, I was given the offer of building some other service related structure (can’t remember what). But that was the last building I was offered. It was several days ago, and I haven’t been allowed to build anything else since.
So I don’t know how typical it was, or even whether it’s a bug. Sorry.
Here is an overview of my base and settlement. It is a bit disarranged but that is how the settlements are so I decided to work with that arrangement.
In the upper right is my Exocraft station with Weapons and Exo Stations. On the ridge sit my private landing pad with Farmer and Construction Stations situated in a couple of shops. To the left of that, a castle of sorts with a shed in the back yard and a tree house to the left for visitors. In the distance is my Storage building where the Science officer is stationed and a bridge leading to it. The Base Computer is under the Storage Building.
All in all, so far, my middling PC is handling it well. I am surprised. Pre-Vulcan this would have never been possible. Will continue to monitor what happens and will report any dangerous abnormalities.
Aren’t there certain things that expand the base area when you build them close to the border (I remember something about extending power lines by placing down appearance modifiers at the base limits…)?
I have heard of these things too but I did not lay down any power lines. I did reach outside the boundary and placed a few deco items at the Overseer’s Office. Since then, I left to do some Daily Missions and when I returned, the original boundary is back. Can’t seem to duplicate whatever I did to extend it…working on it…
Ok. This should provide the solution…not sure I actually did this the first time but, this info is since Prisms released so going back in to try again.
Update: I suspect that leaving to complete Daily Missions and warping back to my base may have locked it. I was able to extend the area slightly but not to the extent that it previously was. I can still reach the majority of my settlement.
I don’t think that you even have to save your game, nor necessarily push the object outside the current boundary. I often just put up the cheap wall pieces (wood, concrete, metal) near the edge and you get an extended radius around that piece (50u or so). To get a short distance beyond the 1000u limit I have been able to stand within the boundary and build out from there ( I needed 5-10u to connect power, never tried further than that). I just tried from a base that I extended more than a year ago and I can still extend it. Both on the other side of the base, and sideways from the previous extension. So it doesn’t see to be locked. Settlements could be different of course, and updates may be interacting.
Well, interesting thing happened. Earlier, I warped back to my base and could no longer build within the settlement that is outside my base area. But today, I warped back in and I can build freely in the settlement again…
So I added a small theatre.
For several days now, I haven’t been able to build anything new. I still get visitors and citizen requests, but the construction options seem to have stopped.