I’m very attracted to the idea of Virtual Drinks Pumps. Given the chance, I think I would install them at home.
Perhaps we could have some here, at the ETARC site.
I’m very attracted to the idea of Virtual Drinks Pumps. Given the chance, I think I would install them at home.
Perhaps we could have some here, at the ETARC site.
Now this is curious. I haven’t seen this before.
I was asked to build a generator room for my settlement. It went through the usual stages of basic structure, roof, and final fit, with each stage requiring materials and time to complete.
However, when I had allowed a decent time interval for completion, I returned to the building, I found the construction terminal still in place, showing a big green tick (haven’t seen this here before)
On closer inspection, the terminal now tells me it wants “Specialist Parts” - but it won’t tell me what those parts are - so I can’t supply them.
So I’m scratching my head here. I have no idea what “Specialist Parts” it wants.
SM did say they would be adding to the settlements…maybe we will find out soon. This sounds like it could lead to something useful and profitable perhaps
I have not seen this before either.
My settlement seems to have reach a point where no more buildings can be built. All I see now are policy changes, disputes and visitors periodically (and of course no sentinel attacks.) It looks like a small city. (I am not at my PS4 currently, but I’ll try to upload a pick later today.)
Natty Minotaur Slurry coming right up, Traveler.
I’m partial to Squirt and the occasional root beer myself.
There is now a timer for the next proposal
You sure that’s not soylent soup? (effect: Occasional population loss, happyness + 5…)
We tried making soylent from Korvax.
The result was… well, crunchy.
You misread the recipe…you serve the soup IN a Korvax shell, like a bowl.
As mentioned, here are the pics of my max-building settlement and government pagoda (base)…just a few hours later than expected. The first settlement pic was from the front door of the pagoda.
That’s actually quite poetic.
On the one hand it makes sense to not permanently occupy abandoned settlements that other players would want to develop. Onthe other hand, the lack of persistance is a bit saddening.
In MMO*s, the dragon never stays dead, for the next raiding party. But at least I get to keep my trophy. Some of the titles in the appearance modifier attempt to take on the role of a persistent trophy, okay…
But it could also be fun to arrive at a solar system where the NPCs’s thought bubbles mention Overseer ~xXx~LawnMoverHero~xXx~ and where I can use the RadishSaladGaming1980 trading station.