Settlement Overseer

I kept telling my peeps that they would not be allowed to have any fun until 1) morale improves 2) productivity improves or 3) HG releases a patch that fixes debt, morale, and productivity. :unamused:

The patch is there, my debt is in the green, and they are getting a saloon. :+1:


2nd wave of attacks

All of my settlers ran away…thanks guys.

And the drama continues


Have Technician Entity Godani eat some of the pellets, if they’re not poisoned.

Oh wait, Korvax don’t have mouths and don’t eat… well, grah. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


You realise there’s something wrong with that strategy, right? :stuck_out_tongue:


That mirrors a laser-printed sign someone made and posted on our division bulletin board a couple if years ago (some still use those old corkboard things :smiley: ):

“The beatings will continue until morale improves!”


:100: I don’t recall where I heard that quote, but it is indeed the quote I was referring to.


Popular bumper sticker from a decade or so back was where I remember that quote from.


My settlement was B class for the longest time, and today it also suddenly went straight to S class forno reason. :woman_shrugging: Could be a bug.


I do believe it is a bug, I have yet to come across anyone with an A-class settlement.


It’s from an old Dilbert comic strip. I no longer have the link to it


It’s a lot older than that. The exact origin of the phrase is unknown, but the use of the exact term “morale” suggests that it originated in the military. A potentially early version of the phrase can be found in a navy carricature from 1961, with the wording “…all liberty (read: off-time) is canceled until morale improves”.

I have heard the phrase crop up in many places, including the KMFDM song “free your hate” from 2005…


On my way to riches …


I think I have maxed my settlement by now. Looking at the save data, all structures have reached their final value. My production is maxed out at 1M, and happiness has now also reached 100%. The only thing left for me is to get additional settlers, which doesn’t happen often at all.

On a side note, I hope the sentinels will get more meaningful than just an empty timer. There appears to be some stat related, but doesn’t seem to do much. Getting the Sentinels to 100% seems to only result in a fight if you are actually there to see it happen. When time runs out while offline, getting back only sounds the alarm to find no Sentinels at all, and the percentage back at 0%.

Hope Hello Games have additional ways planned to keep these interesting a while longer


I grew far too tired of the relentless storms so I found another system and another settlement. Took some doing to find an unclaimed system with a verdant planet with occasional short-lived storms.
This settlement is Vy’Keen and I really like the look of it. Now to work.


A garden world, with low storms, and greenish plantlife, and blue skies? I’m so jealous. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I am kinda worried. Now my settlement just vanishes…with me standing nearby. Getting into my ship and flying away and then returning fixes it…sometimes it is just the plants and rocks that vanish. Maybe I should have stayed on my miserable planet. At least the settlement was solid.


I 've had a couple of bugs with my settlement that I have decided to keep. On the first day, my debt went from 180K to around 10 million. With my production worked up to near max, it will be paid off in 300-400 hours. (I would like to just bail them out with my personal units.)

However, the beneficial bug is that I have yet to deal with sentinels since the first encounter with the settlement. The sentinel activity has been at a constant 100%, but they never come.


Running a Vy’Keen settlement…very interesting


An Assasin? Property crimes? Pah! That is so not the Vy’keen way. I sentence the both of you to multitools at dawn!


My settlement was manufacturing once-useful springs and industrial batteries. I had a healthy surplus, but I couldn’t find any way to invest this in the future of the settlement. The only thing I could do is put the stuff in my own inventory. then sell it.

Well I don’t need the money, and I would like to help the settlement, so I left it where it was.

The next time I looked, the industrial batteries had gone, and we were now making ohmic gel. I don’t know where the batteries (or the money from them) went.

Which raises a few questions:

We know the settlements can be in debt. But can they be in credit?
Where does the surplus production go if I don’t claim it?