I like those expeditions, but I am always missing the result. Wish it would leave a notification or something, to read back, instead of the way it currently works.
My results so far, has been the death of at least 2 settlers on each mission. Expeditions are no longer allowed.
The results flash up too quickly to read.
Agree, like the frigate missions from the freighter
One expedition brought me back nanites!
Had an expedition go over without a hitch, but I guess it’s mostly random. I like to think that my Vy’keen are just too tough to be killed easily
Little over 4 hours until debt relief! But, the sentinels are not too happy. I guess they would like for us to stay repressed…I assume they will attack when the debt is resolved…we will be ready!
Blessed by the lost ones? Who the hell are the lost ones??
I don’t know but I hope some of this is pointing towards more lore.
I have a Korvax settlement so maybe they lost connection with the other Korvax?
Well, all those graves need to be buried in something…
Indecision time. Which liar should I support?
I suppose management would pick whoever was of higher rank. I’d just tell both of them to get lost and stop wasting my time. Or, as they are vy’keen, a fight to the death. All reasonable decisions, but not the one I can take. Think I’ll go with the yellow one because of the nice beard.
Take the recipe and post it on social media for everyone to enjoy!
My settlement is a dive & I think I’m over dealing with it.
Crap location, crap weather, crap personnel, crap overseer. Wait!..What…?
To walk away from my current settlement, do I just choose another one somewhere else or is there an actual ‘retiring’ option somewhere?
How does one find another settlement if that is the only option out?
New charts at the space station
Ohh…a teleporter now?
That’s a much needed improvement
And I now have Gek and VyKeen in what was a Korvax settlement. So nice!! I also have 2 building projects at once.
The Marketplace is now actually a marketplace.
Choosing a different settlement does the trick to delete you as overseer of one, I’ve read.