Real Time Pandemic Tracker

That’s just a symptom of fever in general… ?


If you have never had a real case of night sweats, then I have to say, no. Not to this degree. I have had this happen before when sick and it is not fun. Usually, you break out in a sweat as a fever breaks. But even then, it is not normally enough for your clothes to be soaked.
Weird stuff is happening with covid… :grimacing:


Clothes, covers, pillow, everything wet. Yeah, checks out. Happens to me every time I run a fever and pop in a tablet for getting it to non-delirious levels. Thought that was just normal…


Guess you are just one really hot guy! :wink:


When I have a fever, yes. Otherwise I’m very cool instead… :smirk:


Hmmm. So …
Weird stuff.




AR broke its record. Over 6,500 new cases in one day. National Guard helping with the logistics of testing.


Daily Sabah: Will it ever end? Here is what happened with previous pandemics | Daily Sabah.

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Well, one of my brothers and his wife are positive. Started like sinus infection, then she started hurting in her back. Now their breathing feels restricted in their throats…and they have not been around anyone other than to run quickly into a store while wearing a good mask
They are fully vaxxed but not boosted



An infection risk factor for Omicron is that just breathing streams out a significantly higher amount of viruses in the breath droplets.

That also means that the 6 foot distance might not be enough too. Any air circulation (to warm or cool the air) means higher virus exposure also.

At least Omicron seem to give less severe symptoms for vaccinated folks.

I am, though, concerned that even a mild breakthrough infection might cause some type of body damage not yet recognized. Brain changes in some cases would be very worrisome.


Some people get crazy ideas…


I read that this morning :crazy_face:
Update my brother and his wife thought they were improving then they got worse. This is their 2nd week sick. There were no monoclonals to help them out. They were told to treat it the same as the flu. Very sore throats that make it feel difficult to breathe. Double vaxxed, no booster.


It’s not a ‘bad cold’
Significant fever, body aches, swollen lymph nodes, sore throats and heavy congestion are often reported even in milder cases of Omicron variant, Murphy said, leaving people debilitated for days.

But, but… that sounds exactly like a bad cold… ??

The real trouble is that you can’t really get Covid “over with”… A friend of mine, vaccinated and boosted but has to travel a lot, just caught it for the second time in like 2 months. Luckily all he’s experiencing are mild flu symptoms.


I believe that the distinction is that Omicron is a more severe version. Then there is the post-Omicron infection effects that can be long-lasting. Personality changes, like with Delta, are possible

So … Best to keep talking precautions to prevent infection.


Are these the “quick test” type that give more false negatives?


Probably :crazy_face:
I know of many testing negative but positive a couple days later. So, test twice.


Wait, what? Are these those nose-swap tests? I don’t have four of those… I have four packages of them in the closet (used one just this morning when my Sensei called me to tell me that she tested positive). We had them for… well, must be a year now. Are you telling me you didn’t have these in the US until now?

In any case, case numbers in Switzerland are currently skyrocketing, while hospitalisations seem to be going down. There’s notenough data yet to definitely confirm, as the hospitalisation statistics are always trailing the case statistics by a week or two, but it does look like Omicron is bringing the disease into the endemic phase. Quarantine time has already been scaled down, and is expected to be abolished completely if the data holds up. Then there’s probably going to be another month or two of data gathering, and if the trend holds up we’ll be looking at throwing out the certificates.

For the first time, this looks like it might actually be over soon and turn into something we can treat about the same as the flu.


We had them for a short time. I bought a kit with 2 in it. But they were gone fairly quickly. Yes, the US really, really sucks at testing. The US also really, really sucks at sequencing to check for variants.
This takes me back to the fall of 2019. People were being told they had the flu only, they were NOT BEING TESTED FOR THE FLU…if there was more testing here, we would have known something was happening.
Here is what testing looks like in the US

download (1)
So they have now called in the military to handle the logistics so medical personnel can focus on testing.
Now we get 4 tests kits…too little, too late.
I just want to get this off my chest, never, in all my years, have I ever seen the US so ill-prepared and completely unable to get in step. No, I do not blame the person in the oval office. That would be short-sighted. I blame it on ALL of the politicians. There is a complete and total breakdown in communication and unity. I don’t see it healing any time soon.
As for it becoming endemic, well, we can hope but, everything I am reading says it is simply too soon to know. One thing I am certain of, that call will come from other countries long before it will come from here…