NMS PvP increases a sense of danger and adds an element of roleplay. But I think you will find that most just want to be together. We particularly want to trade, to explore and to interact. To be helpful.
A coming patch after v1.57 that’s in experimental should fix most greifing through menu settings.
However, it seems that anyone will still be able to build anywhere, which still allows for specific types of location greifing, and potentially other issues. An example would be blocking ones view or building where undesired.
I think what we’re needing is a truly home system.
- What would lead to a better overall trading game and more organized civilizations?
- How do we get users more comfortable with sharing their portal addresses?
And there is a simple reason why this is the case. - Privacy!
Many users are not quick to give out their portal/coords because not all desire multiplayer interactions. Or they might if done right. Once you give it out, your private space - is public domain, labeled hot topic.
So while portal/coords are certainly key, I think realistically, it will always be that most will only share an image, and a few just might drop a seed. Smart. - It’s all based on the friendliness of the co-op. Is it not?
Seed codes are cleanest and a perk for putting extra down on an expensive gaming PC. You just drop them in with a Save File Editor, and ship/tool/npc seeds are less likely to be affected per update. While portal/coords work for all, but change with every update and are a rare sharing commodity among users.
Atlas Rises v1.3 introduced basic PvP Hub Griefing. NEXT v1.5 personified the issue, and I mean way over the top. Coming patches seem to be focused on fixing this, but one comes to understand things.
In addition to the coming menu settings, I think each player should be allotted 1 system that’s 100% yours. Meaning no one can possibly build without your consent. Would lead to a better overall trading game and more organized civilizations.
We also each need our own separate market place. So perhaps they could include an extra spot for this on our base/hub galactic terminals.
Problem: Portal addresses feel like social security numbers.
Solution: We each need a home world where we reign as king.
Hello Games, if you do the above, portal addresses will be the new t-shirt swag. Just watch!