PS4 Multiplayer & PS+ Meetups

@sheralmyst I have yet to encounter another player with the new multiplayer expansion of NMS Beyond. I know you are playing both PC and console (correct me if I am wrong.) I seem to be having MP issues as well… no one in the Nexus every time I have visited . I will be online for most of the day tomorrow on PSN (PSN Lord Markov.) The feature that I was looking forward to the most was the featured bases. However since I have been the only entity online at the anomaly, there have been no featured bases outside of my own.


I will attempt PS4 latet today. About 7 hours from now. 1pm central daylight
What I have been trying to answer is if we can communicate with people outside our party. Do you have a headset? I will be in Creative.
How do you add friends on PS4? (I will have to update first…)

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I believe you just search for profile in the friends list section and send request. *cough * todd-_-Umptious *wheeze *

@lordmarkov I dunno if I’ll be on tonight or tomorrow, made some poor life choices last night :see_no_evil: but if you see me send a message and I’ll see if I can join or vice versa.

Silly question but is your ps plus still active? That only reason outside of a rare and unique bug for nexus being empty and void of other travellers.


To add friends on PSN, you first send them a friend request that has to be accepted. If you search on my name, I should come up at the top of the list (my avatar is a crying grim reaper in case there is any confusion.) I will load over to creative when you are ready to test some things. In doing so, I also hope it jogs or corrects my MP issue.

(P.S: Yes, I have headsets available and will have one ready .)

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My PS Plus expired last month and I didn’t see an immediate need to renew it. I have thought about that being related to my issue but I hesitate on the threshold of actually spending money to investigate it.

However, we were told that Plus wasn’t required. So, it shouldn’t be that unless I am the one lucky player whose bugs required me to have it.

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Then we will test. I do not have PS+ either. I can get it if needed.

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I just tried the Join Game option and it sent me to a page to purchase PS+.

I am not sure if I will be able to meet in game without it. I am now hanging out at the completely empty Nexus…just to see if it changes if I wait 10 minutes


Co-op Online Multiplayer does require PS+ or Xbox Live Gold since it was introduced with NEXT. The ‘online’ discovery database does however still function without.


Plus isn’t required for regular play and discovery services but I definitely think its required to see people on the nexus and to see their base details in the portal thingy. As for highlighted community bases, I havent checked that out yet, I didn’t even think hello games had started doing it yet but maybe someone else can confirm.

Same way you needed ps plus to play together in NMS NEXT and not be floating boundary break bubbles.

edit: Sorry DevilinPixy, didn’t see your comment clarifying until after I posted. Thast what I get for skim reading!


I was just invited to join @sheralmyst, but it wants me to subscribe to PS+ to do so.

Well, I guess that answers my question. Thanks everyone. Looks like my wife and I will need to subscribe to PS+ again if we want to explore the update material.


Yep. I went to the Nexus without PS+ and it was empty. I turned in my 14 day free trial. Now there are peeps running around, busy, busy.


Well, I can meet with you the old-fashioned way if you still want to check audio. I just need portal coordinates.


I am all for people having an old school bubble meet up to fly in the face of beyond and the nexus. That’d be wonderfully defiant.

Sorry you didn’t realise plus was needed for party play etc since next, that must have been a bit of a bummer. it’s essentially the same as putting settings to offline mode. You can discover bases and see comms and discoveries and that’s about it. Actually not sure about the bases being visible without plus that could very well have changed but I don’t see why it would, just not somethinf ive tried in offline mode yet since plus.

When I get my first portal set up on my new playthrough I’ll send on the portal deets and build a base nearby and let you know if you’d like to give it a try.

Or if anyone has portal address handy fire away.


What do you mean? You can do everything in the game except the annoying bit of dealing with other people in your after hours. GoG ran like that for half a year, and I didn’t even notice when they fixed it… :grin:


I thought I listed all the online features there bar meeting other players. Is there something I’m missing? Oh, community events. They don’t require psn plus either.


That sounds like a wonderful experiment. I am curious if there is a PS+ work around for some things with just using portals. My guess is that we can hear each other, but nothing visible and that bases will be visible from the last upload.

KnightAlese and I will likely renew our plus subscriptions soon anyway just to get that functionality. But, we will pause for the sake of science (and defiance.)

It will be good to know what the limits for the offline game are, in case in the future I decide again to reduce my subscriptions.


Ok you hijackers… I’ve made you dedicated topic to organise your rendezvous :grin:
Carry on…


So, the experiment went as follows: I could see another person’s base but there was not in-game audio (nor visual of course.)

KnightAlese and I purchased our 12-month subscriptions to PS+ and tried it again, but still couldn’t see or hear each other. I also still did not see the multiplayer options (like friendly fire or allowing co-op building at your base) until I reloaded this morning. At this point I also checked the nexus, which was full of people.

I will test again this afternoon (and after reloads of the game with PS+ renewal) to see if that was all that was needed to see another player you “happen upon”.


So the final results for this experiment were interesting…and may be confounded by bugs.

With a casual meet up with both players having PS+, we could see each other, but there was no audio. Recent base items and changes were not visible.

When we joined each others games officially, we had full audio and base interaction. However, there were differences with the electrical items between us . Some examples were power lines working or not working for a base that was beyond its complexity limit or power to a door working for one person and not the other (KnightAlese was opening the door for me).

I also noticed that places in the base that required use of the terrain manipulator were still filled in for the visiting player.


That’s been a common occurrence since next and seems to be a local versus online caching issue, usually going back and forth through teleporter can fix this, or sometimes the visitor manipulating terrain on the base outskirts can force the true terrain into being for them. Seems to be a common issue across a lot of no man sky’s components. I put it down to there being so much sent through the CPU that a lot of CPU requests just get flung into oblivion. I don’t pretend to understand computers or gaming engines but that makes sense in my head for it being a common and constant issue :joy: