What I don’t understand is, why did they even bother to change the tech upgrades, which were one of the few things that actually worked perfectly in Atlas Rises?
And why did they find it necessary to make the basic materials 5 times more complicated without significantly increasing inventory capacity or adding any way to auto-sort or auto-organize the inventory?
Why did they make the guide not show information on things that you have not discovered yet? How am I supposed to know what I am missing if it’s hidden…? Just roam around and randomly do stuff?
What was wrong with the old tech upgrades and materials? When Atlas Rises came out, they changed a lot of that stuff again, and I thought, “Man, I hope this is the last time they muck around with the base game.”
But noooo… it seems they were only getting started! Why can’t they just get it to a certain point and then leave it the heck alone, and just concentrate on adding new features instead of changing all the existing features that work just fine??? Seriously what are they thinking?
And please don’t say, “I like the new system better.” It’s not about whether the new system is better or worse. I’m super annoyed not because I don’t like the new system per se, but because there was no need to CHANGE it. There are lots of other things that would have been better for them to sink their dev resources into.
For example, they did not address the issue that discoveries get deleted out of your discoveries tab after a certain amount of time, which could be 15 minutes if your save file is really old, or it could be a week or two, depending on how much stuff you scan in. In a game where the whole point is to discover stuff, this frankly seems like it deserves being fixed much more than the crafting system and materials.
As well, what if players don’t want to redo everything again? We already had to redo all the base building quests when 1.3 came out. That was pretty lame. But now we have to regrind ALL the tech recipes?
I’m not against a procedural tech system being added to the game, but they should not have removed all the previous upgrades. They should let players gradually transition instead of forcing people back to the level of a complete noob. For crying out loud!!!
PS4 has so many crashes, bugs, and performance problems that I am completely dumbfounded why they would have prioritized yet another complete re-do of the base game (which I thought was really great in Atlas Rises) instead of focusing on ironing out all the performance issues and crashes, save file issues, data loss issues, etc. that have blocked many of us from playing our old saves at all in the past months.
Why would I sink in another few hundred hours to a game where it seems likely they will just wipe all my progress and discoveries yet again whenever they feel like it? I should just be OK with that…?