Precon 007 status change 7-6-18&7-7-18

hexcode across the bottom confirms livedrop 2pm 07/07/18


I don’t know who first posted this, but I got it from Discord


Ah, the British Museum again, L Plays will be pleased.


Have they given a time for when the live-drop will take place?

Yes sorry, here’s the hex translation

“14:00BST // July 7th”

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lol didnt i just say that

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Lol you did, sorry I didn’t scroll up

thanks for the pic im sure L Plays will be there

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Just tweeted him and ROBOTBOY :slight_smile:

Ah ok, so 6am pacific and 9am eastern are the US times for those who wish to look out for possible streams of this or at least keep up with events as they happen.(sorry I’m out of likes to give)

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Alright. Someone give me an up-date, please with a cherry on top. :cherries:
I’m I reading this thread right? There’s two events tomorrow… one at 9am Est. and one at 2pm?

Just one at 1400BST, the other times are for different timezones

high-five thanks so much!


Not sure where to put this. Is this new?


Yes, that is new…yesterday the home command said “COMMAND NOT YET UNLOCKED”.

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I did a quick search for iteration #4924A, thinking I’d find a link to the lore thread. Instead I get this:

The asteroid field was thick,
denser than any I’d seen before.
The ice, the dirt, the metal fragments…
my ship never stood a chance

Was the result of a chat between Cobra TV and Simon during his live stream for the scavenge hunt.

I believe this is the full conversation:


Interesting…mentions leaving behind a camp that someone else might one day use…I wonder if this alludes to all our base building potentially becoming permanent and when we claim a new base the one we leave behind might remain as built as you’ve left it for anyone and everyone else to use. If this is what they’re hinting at it would be amazing…we could build all sorts of bases in a system or in a region of space and mark them with beacons and we could just have a ton of bases that way…but my imagination is probably going too far here…still they did say we could build together so there has got to be a much higher tolerance for player created buildings in each system so that would be amazing if so.


Precon007 has changed again. It gives a less glitched image now, looks like a different part of London to me.


Interesting…so the HOME log must have happened after that traveler crashed and based on the log it sounds like he/she was left without a ship since the needed to camp to stay warm. I wonder what this is about.

PS: sorry I’m banned from liking for another hour…ran out of likes an hour or so ago then I was allowed to give about 5-10 likes and now I can’t like anything again.