Pilgrim Star Path gives the exact same, as it should, when translating Signal Booster coordinates into the glyph sequence. For some reason @zeff013 is just not able to actually ‘portal’ to it and always ends up on the wrong planet. He gets an ‘error’ after glyph input, closest portal is found, but wrong planet. All is explained in the topic, which indeed sort of turned into a bug report, and will hopefully get back on track. See replies after this one for all info:
On a side note: The Pilgrim Star Path application, correctly turns SB coords into a glyph sequence. The first glyph however, is always manual and based on celestial body count you input. In my case, I would have to input ‘Planet’ 3. This assumes the other planet and moon to be 1 and 2. Signal Booster coords only indicate the system.